
来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/5/28 19:25:40
15年注册研究揭示手工拦鱼栅的环境和社会影响 | 《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Artisanal fish fences pose broad and unexpected threats to the tropical coastal seascape


作者:Dan A. Exton, Gabby N. Ahmadia, Leanne C. Cullen-Unsworth, Jamaluddin Jompa, Duncan May, Joel Rice, Paul W. Simonin, Richard K. F. Unsworth, David J. Smith


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-10051-0



《自然-通讯》本周发表的一项注册研究Artisanal fish fences pose broad and unexpected threats to the tropical coastal seascape指出,使用手工拦鱼栅不仅会破坏生态系统,打破防止过度捕捞的传统屏障;还会因擅用非官方、未受管制的私产引发社会冲突。

图1:伯利兹的一种不同类型的拦鱼栅,以鸡笼网代替渔网。图源:Dr.Gabby Ahmadia


英国华莱士行动的Dan Exton和同事对印尼卡莱杜帕岛手工拦鱼栅的生态和社会经济影响展开了长达15年(2002-2016年)的注册研究。作者指出,在此期间,手工拦鱼栅的使用大幅增加,拦栅数量约增加了400%,拦栅累计总长增加了近300%。然而,每个拦鱼栅每天捕获的鱼类数量却较峰值下降了约90%,周边珊瑚礁的鱼类总量也下降了近一半。作者发现,拦鱼栅一共捕获了500多种鱼类物种,其中,稚鱼数量增加了400%。此外,拦鱼栅对海草生态系统也造成了直接破坏,影响波及珊瑚礁和红树林。同时,对当地社区的采访显示,捕鱼空间和拦鱼栅所有权引发的社会冲突也在日益加剧。

图2:拦鱼栅的鱼眼拍摄图,让你直观感受它们在水中的阻拦程度。图源:Benjamin Jones

图3:拦鱼栅对于自然生态系统而言就像一个天然的功能阻碍器,两图是同一个拦鱼栅的两侧,可见外侧海域更加健康。图源:Benjamin Jones


摘要:Gear restrictions are an important management tool in small-scale tropical fisheries, improving sustainability and building resilience to climate change. Yet to identify the management challenges and complete footprint of individual gears, a broader systems approach is required that integrates ecological, economic and social sciences. Here we apply this approach to artisanal fish fences, intensively used across three oceans, to identify a previously underrecognized gear requiring urgent management attention. A longitudinal case study shows increased effort matched with large declines in catch success and corresponding reef fish abundance. We find fish fences to disrupt vital ecological connectivity, exploit > 500 species with high juvenile removal, and directly damage seagrass ecosystems with cascading impacts on connected coral reefs and mangroves. As semi-permanent structures in otherwise open-access fisheries, they create social conflict by assuming unofficial and unregulated property rights, while their unique high-investment-low-effort nature removes traditional economic and social barriers to overfishing.


期刊介绍: () is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

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