
作者:Marie Mandai et al 来源:BMC Women's Health 发布时间:2018/8/23 14:02:11

论文标题:Loneliness among mothers raising children under the age of 3 years and predictors with special reference to the use of SNS: a community-based cross-sectional study


作者:Marie Mandai et al

发表时间: 2018/8/16



最近发表在开放获取期刊《BMC女性健康》(BMC Woman’s Health)上的一项研究发现,平均每天花1-2个小时玩智能手机的母亲,其孤独感弱于玩手机时间更短或更长的母亲。一共有523名日本妈妈参与了此项研究。

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研究的通讯作者Marie Mandai说:“在日本,人们通常认为有孩子的女性都生活在朋友和家人的包围下,感到孤独的可能性较小。但是近来抚养年幼孩子的母亲所遭遇的孤独感问题,引起了一些担忧。这是第一个以抚养3岁以下孩子的母亲为对象、探索通讯设备和社交媒体对其孤独感影响的研究。”






Loneliness in mothers raising children can adversely impact the health of their children and lead to child abuse, depression, and deterioration of mothers’ health. Few studies to date have specifically assessed the association between loneliness and social factors, including the use of social network sites (SNSs), and personal factors. This study aimed to identify predictors of loneliness in mothers raising children, with special reference to SNS use.


This cross-sectional study involved an anonymous self-reported questionnaire survey of mothers participating in the health check-ups for their children in Nagahama City, Japan, from July 28 to September 29, 2014. The following items were assessed: revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, “Secure” subscale of the Internal Working Model Scale (IWMS-S), psychological distress scale (K6), abbreviated Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6), and types of communication devices and information sources. Multiple regression analysis was performed using the Loneliness Scale score as the dependent variable.


Among 763 mothers attending health check-ups for children in Nagahama City, 715 were available for the survey. Among a total of 638 respondents, data from 523 mothers were analyzed (valid response rate: 73.1%). The mean Loneliness Scale score ± standard deviation was 36.1 ± 9.7. The multiple regression analysis revealed that loneliness was significantly associated with being financially worse-off (β = − 3.35, p = 0.004) and struggling (β = − 2.47, p = 0.047); having a smaller family social network (β = − 0.32, p = 0.032), having fewer friends (β = − 0.49, p = 0.001), and having a smaller SNS network (β = − 0.21, p = 0.018); a lower secure subscale score on the IWMS-S (β = − 0.56, p < 0.001); and a K6 score of ≥5 (β = 4.24, p < 0.001).


The degree of loneliness in mothers raising children was associated with a smaller social network, lower secure attachment style, and a higher possibility of psychological distress. These factors should be considered when developing effective interventions against loneliness in mothers raising children.


期刊介绍: is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the health and wellbeing of adolescent girls and women, with a particular focus on the physical, mental, and emotional health of women in developed and developing nations. The journal welcomes submissions on womens public health issues, health behaviours, breast cancer, gynecological diseases, mental health and health promotion.

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