
作者:Fan Wu, William Fitzhugh, Luhan Ye, Jiaxin Ning, Xin Li 来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2018/11/1 16:54:45


论文标题:Advanced sulfide solid electrolyte by core-shell structural design


作者: Fan Wu, William Fitzhugh, Luhan Ye, Jiaxin Ning, Xin Li


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-018-06123-2



近日,在《自然-通讯》上发表的一篇研究Advanced sulfide solid electrolyte by core-shell structural design中,来自哈佛大学的Xin Li领导的团队发现,通过控制硫化物电解质的合成参数和相应的核壳微观结构组成,可以扩大其电明升手机稳定窗口。由此可使壳结构中具有高含量的硅的Li-Si-P-S硫化物电解质的稳定性窗口达到0.7-3.1 V,准稳定性窗口高达5 V,比过往预测的1.7-2.1 V的窗口值大得多。


图1:Li9.54Si1.74P1.44S11.7Cl0.3 (LSPS-Cl)粉末在450,460,480,500摄氏度条件下进行退火后的显微结构及成分分析

摘要:Solid electrolyte is critical to next-generation solid-state lithium-ion batteries with high energy density and improved safety. Sulfide solid electrolytes show some unique properties, such as the high ionic conductivity and low mechanical stiffness. Here we show that the electrochemical stability window of sulfide electrolytes can be improved by controlling synthesis parameters and the consequent core-shell microstructural compositions. This results in a stability window of 0.7–3.1 V and quasi-stability window of up to 5 V for Li-Si-P-S sulfide electrolytes with high Si composition in the shell, a window much larger than the previously predicted one of 1.7–2.1 V. Theoretical and computational work explains this improved voltage window in terms of volume constriction, which resists the decomposition accompanying expansion of the solid electrolyte. It is shown that in the limiting case of a core-shell morphology that imposes a constant volume constraint on the electrolyte, the stability window can be further opened up. Advanced strategies to design the next-generation sulfide solid electrolytes are also discussed based on our understanding.


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