
作者:Xiaofu Xu, Dong Zhou, Xianying Qin, Kui Lin, Feiyu Kang, Baohua Li, Devaraj Shanmukaraj, Teofilo Rojo, Michel Armand, Guoxiu Wang 来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2018/11/1 16:53:16


论文标题: A room-temperature sodium–sulfur battery with high capacity and stable cycling performance


作者:Xiaofu Xu, Dong Zhou, Xianying Qin, Kui Lin, Feiyu Kang, Baohua Li, Devaraj Shanmukaraj, Teofilo Rojo, Michel Armand, Guoxiu Wang


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-018-06443-3


在300–350°C温度下工作的高温钠-硫电池,已经被商业化地应用于大规模的能量储存和转换。然而,这种电池存在的安全隐患极大的阻碍了它的广泛使用。近期在发表于《自然-通讯》上的论文A room-temperature sodium–sulfur battery with high capacity and stable cycling performance中,来自清华大学的Baohua Li,来自西班牙CIC ENERGIGUNE研究所的Michel Armand及来自悉尼科技大学的Guoxiu Wang带领的团队报道了一种具有高电明升手机性能、高安全性能的室温纳-硫电池。该实验团队采用了“鸡尾酒优化”电解体质系:以碳酸丙烯酯和氟代碳酸乙烯酯为共溶剂,并加入高浓度钠盐,用三碘化铟作为添加剂。作者通过第一性原理计算和实验表征验证,氟代碳酸乙烯酯溶剂和高盐浓度不仅显著降低了多硫化钠的溶解度,而且在循环过程中,会在钠阳极上构建一个稳健的固体电解质界面。与此同时,采用三碘化铟作为氧化还原媒介还增加了阴极上硫化钠的动力学转化,并在阳极上形成钝化铟层,以防止其受到多硫化合物的腐蚀。作者开发的钠-硫电池表现出了高容量和长循环稳定的特性。


摘要:High-temperature sodium–sulfur batteries operating at 300–350 °C have been commercially applied for large-scale energy storage and conversion. However, the safety concerns greatly inhibit their widespread adoption. Herein, we report a room-temperature sodium–sulfur battery with high electrochemical performances and enhanced safety by employing a “cocktail optimized” electrolyte system, containing propylene carbonate and fluoroethylene carbonate as co-solvents, highly concentrated sodium salt, and indium triiodide as an additive. As verified by first-principle calculation and experimental characterization, the fluoroethylene carbonate solvent and high salt concentration not only dramatically reduce the solubility of sodium polysulfides, but also construct a robust solid-electrolyte interface on the sodium anode upon cycling. Indium triiodide as redox mediator simultaneously increases the kinetic transformation of sodium sulfide on the cathode and forms a passivating indium layer on the anode to prevent it from polysulfide corrosion. The as-developed sodium–sulfur batteries deliver high capacity and long cycling stability.


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