
来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2024/5/21 17:05:46
FoAR 从后院到“蓝色庭院”中的集体花园:逆转马德里历史性木结构庭院建筑的升级进程



作者:Esperanza González-Redondo

发表时间:23 Apr 2024



建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录

Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于4月初在线发布了2024年第二期,共12篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。感兴趣的读者,请点击文末左下方“阅读原文“,可免费浏览及下载原版英文论文。

From the backyard to collective gardens in the “blue-courtyard”: Reversing the process of upgrading historic timber-framed courtyard buildings in Madrid


Esperanza González-Redondo

Department of Architecture, University of Alcala ?, Madrid, Spain

This paper presents an analytical framework for evaluating the impact of the two main processes identified in Madrid timber-framed courtyard buildings reinforcing the court- yard’s crucial role in architectural heritage sustainability: their development caused dwellings to darken (1737-1950), and the existing challenge is to open new patios according to the listed buildings’ protection policy.

Critical findings in archival research and existing building assessments led to completed data collection and analysis. When exploring construction expansion, from the house towards the collective prototype around a gradually reduced patio and dwelling darkening (1737-1786), buildings resulted in open, semiopen, underlighted and closed designs. Study area on-site assessment uncovered the transition from the older low-rise type (1-3) floors to the modern closed model of up to (4-6) storeys.

Construction enlargements, consequently reducing original green areas and courtyards, call for reversing that process or formulating a new strategy. It debates the partial demolition of listed buildings in upgrades and its agreement with the needed “blue courtyard” strategy (PGOUM), resulting from joining new rear individual patios to create a communal building block courtyard. The uncovered “in-between” type (1864), which integrates two open-air collective spaces, an inner courtyard and a back garden, appears challenging to explore.




Courtyard / 庭院

Sustainable design / 可持续设计

Architectural heritage / 建筑遗产

Archives / 档案

Timber-framed construction / 木构建造

Social housing / 廉租房

1. Introduction / 引言

2. Literature review and research aims / 文献综述与研究目标

3. Research methodology and data collection / 研究方法与数据收集

3.1. Identifying the two processes and the underlying parameters / 确定两个过程及基本参数

3.2. Data collection and analysis framework strategies / 数据收集与分析

3.3. Darkening process analysis and results / 采光变暗的分析与成果

3.4. Reversing the process strategy / 逆转过程策略

4. Findings approach / 研究方法

4.1. Archival research collecting old data / 档案旧数据收集研究

4.2. Determining the study model / 确定研究模型

4.2.1. Building the inner courtyard / 建造内庭院

4.2.2. The study parameters / 研究参数

4.3. Identifying the old building types / 确定旧建筑类型

4.3.1. Outer boundaries and types / 外部边界与类型

4.3.2. Inner boundaries and built-up areas / 内部边界与建成区域

4.3.3. Dwellings and shared facilities / 住宅与公用设施

5. Results / 研究成果

5.1. Prototype evolution towards new dark spaces / 原型进化为新型暗空间

5.1.1. The original old models’ lighting / 原始旧模型的照明

5.1.2. The enlargements: rear extension and new floors / 扩建部分:后部扩建与新楼层

5.2. New findings / 新的发现

5.2.1. The “in between” timber-framed courtyard building / “中间过渡”木构庭院建筑

5.2.2. Prototype and adaptations / 原型与改造

5.2.3. Dwelling development to upgrade housing / 住宅发展提升房屋质量

6. Discussion / 探讨

6.1. Building survey / 建筑调查

6.1.1. Study area and selection criteria / 研究范围与选择标准

6.1.2. Determination of construction phases (I-VI) / 建造阶段的确定(1-6级)

6.1.3. The fully extended floor plan configuration / 充分扩展的平面布局

6.1.4. From a low density of 1-3 floors to closed models of up to 4-6 floors / 从低密度的1-3层上升至4-6层的封闭模型

6.2. Reversing the process framework / 过程框架的反转

6.2.1. From the private garden to the shared inner courtyard / 从私人花园到共享内庭院

6.2.2. Towards green shared back areas / 走向绿色共享的后部区域

6.3. Conservation and rehabilitation challenges / 建筑保护与修缮中的挑战

6.3.1. The “blue courtyard” as a collective transformation (PGOUM, 1997) / “蓝色庭院”(1997年《马德里城市发展总体规划》)

6.3.2. The “in-between model” adaptation: a challenge to explore / “过渡模型”的适应:研究探索中的挑战

7. Conclusion / 结论

▲ 图一:(图a)1622年至1868年,第四道城墙内的马德里历史中心(Clarke, 1831年)。(图b)北郊地区。 © 本文作者

▲ 图二:From the garden to the inner courtyard in the northern suburb area next to the wall (1656-1874): (a) Houses with back gardens (Texeira, 1656). (b) Extension of high-rise buildings with an interior courtyard (Iba ?n ?ez Ibero, 1872-1874); in purple, those preserved with a patio and in blue, those also having a timber framed gallery。

▲ 图三:(a) Old models’ floor plans: a. House (Magdalena St.); b. Open (San Vicente-AVM.1-45-140, 1759); c. Semiopen (Limo ?n- AVM:1-46-8, 1767); d. Underlighted (Greda-AVM:1-84-106, 1748); and e. Closed model (Magdalena-AHP:16430, 1737). (b) Simplified edge analysis of old model (1e3) floors (Gonza ?lez-Redondo, 2023)。

▲ 图四:(a) Elevations according to archival evidence (AVM) below: n 13 (1761); n 15 (1784); n 17 (1656); n 19 (1790); n 21 (1797) and n23 (1789); and above, approach to current elevations. (b) Buildings in block n472 analysed. (c) Courtyards in n13, n19, and n21 in Tesoro Street (PGOUM, 1997).

▲ 图五:(a) Construction phases on 19 Tesoro Street (Fayos and Gonza ?lez-Redondo, 2023); and (b) archival data (AVM- 1950).

▲ 图六:(a) Building block no472 development (1656-2023). (b) The shared blue courtyard needed in the PGOUM; and (c) reversing the process: a communal patio inside the block.

Esperanza González-Redondo


Department of Architecture

University of Alcala ?, Madrid, Spain

Research field: the construction analysis of historical timber-framed buildings with a particular interest in the study of the Historic Centre of Madrid, from the oldest timbered constructions to the transition to new iron structures (1494-1900).


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