
来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2023/3/17 10:28:54
FoAR |  前沿研究:浅析行人行为与空间的关系——以伊斯坦布尔贝西克塔斯步行区为例

论文标题:( 浅析行人行为与空间的关系——以伊斯坦布尔贝西克塔斯步行区为例)


作者:Özge Ceylin YIldlrlm, Elif Çelik

发表时间:16 Jun 2022




建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ 收录

Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于1月初在线发布了2023年第一期,共12篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。感兴趣的读者,请点击,可免费浏览及下载原版英文论文。

01 论 文 题 目

Manuscript Title

Understanding pedestrian behavior and spatial relations: A pedestrianized area in Besiktas, Istanbul


02 作 者


Ozge Ceylin Y?ld?r?m, Elif Celik*

Faculty of Architecture, Yildiz Technical University, Yildiz, Turkey

03 论 文 摘 要


This research provides a mixed method of investigating and analyzing pedestrian behavior in pedestrianized areas, which is one of the human-based urban development practices. The relationship between pedestrian behavior and perception of the city is discussed through a combination of architect and urban planner Gordon Cullen’s theory and Space Syntax methodology. This study examines the development and implementation of the methodology to understand the relationship between pedestrian behavior and space in Besiktas Koyici settlement, Istanbul. The methodology, integrated with on-site observations (observing 10 min at five different observation points in the settlement at predetermined times on weekdays and weekends), surveys (determining pedestrian movement and perception in terms of Cullen’s theory) and spatial configuration (Space Syntax analysis (connectivity, integrity) done with DepthMapX software), aims to analyze pedestrian behavior patterns. The concepts of sense of place and content, as well as the effects of their subconcepts on their behaviors, were revealed because of a survey conducted with students and architects of variety of educational levels who are daily users of the field. Pedestrian counting and observations were used to create density, activity, and mobility maps of the area.It has been found that pedestrianized areas have a significant impact on pedestrian behavior through influencing vitality and appeal and that Cullen’s theory may be used to analyze pedestrian behavior and perceptions of the city. The study showed that spatial configuration and Cullen’s theory effect pedestrian movement by complementing each other.

本文提供了一种针对步行区行人行为的调查与分析相结合的方法,这也是以人为本的城市发展实践之一。通过将Gordon Cullen(高登·库伦,英国建筑师与城市规划师)的理论与空间句法学相结合,探讨了行人行为与城市感知之间的关系。本文考察了伊斯坦布尔贝西克塔斯Koyici居住区行人行为与空间之间关系的发展与实践。该方法包含现场观测(分别于工作日和周末的规定时间内在居住区的五个不同观测点进行观测10分钟)、调研(根据库伦的理论来确定行人行为与感知)和空间构型(利用DepthMapX软件完成空间句法中关于连通度和整合度的分析),旨在分析行人的行为模式。一项由不同教育水平的建筑学专业学生和建筑师们(他们也是该领域的日常体验者)共同完成的调研,揭示了场所感与内容感的概念及其子概念对人们行为的影响。通过行人数量统计与观测来创建该地区的密度、活动和机动性地图。研究发现,步行区通过影响街区活力和感染力可以对行人行为产生显著影响。库伦的理论可以用来分析行人行为以及城市感知。研究表明,对于行人行为的研究来说,空间构型与库伦的理论能够实现互补。

04 关 键 词


Pedestrian behavior / 行人行为

Pedestrianization / 步行化

Besiktas / 贝西克塔斯

Gordon Cullen’s theory / 高登·库伦理论

Space syntax / 空间句法

05 章 节 标 题

Sections Title

1. Introduction / 引言

2. Theoretical background / 理论背景

2.1. Pedestrian movement and pedestrianization / 行人行为与步行化

2.2. Theoretical proposition of Gordon Cullen / 高登·库伦理论的观点

2.3. Space syntax based research on pedestrian behavior / 基于空间句法对行人行为的研究

3. Research methodology and material / 研究方法与研究资料

3.1. Phase 1: space syntax analysis / 阶段一:空间句法分析

3.2. Phase 2: pedestrian count and behavioral mapping / 阶段二:行人统计与绘制行为地图

3.3. Phase 3: evaluation with survey / 阶段三:调查评估

3.4. Case study / 注册研究

4. Findings and results / 研究发现与结果

4.1. Phase 1: space syntax results / 阶段一:空间句法的研究结果

4.2. Phase 2: behavioral mapping / 阶段二:绘制行为地图

4.3. Phase 3: survey / 阶段三:调查研究

4.4. Results / 研究结果

5. Conclusion / 结论

06 主 要 插 图


▲ 图一:高登·库伦关于行人感知的理论主张。© 本文作者, 2022.

▲ 图二:高登·库伦理论中的概念与子概念。© 本文作者,2022.

▲ 图三:贝西克塔斯区方位图。© Google Map, 本文作者,2022.

▲ 图四:贝西克塔斯Koyici街区方位图 © 本文作者,2022.

▲ 图五:Koyici街区步行区的空间特征及光影现状 © 本文作者,2022.

▲ 图六:研究区域空间句法分析结果与观测地图的叠加,(左图)连通性,(右图)整合度 © 本文作者,2022.

▲ 图七:库伦的概念在研究领域里中的在空间上的意义 © 本文作者,2022.

07 作 者 介 绍

Authors Information

Ozge Ceylin Y?ld?r?m

Research Assistant

Department of Architecture

Yildiz Technical University, Turkey

Research Areas: Social and Humanities, Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology.

Elif Celik


08 原 文 阅 读

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