
来源:Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 发布时间:2022/6/20 10:32:37
FESE | 前沿动态:Best Papers of 2021!

论文标题:前沿动态:Best Papers of 2021!



发表和传播优质研究成果是科技期刊的天然使命。作为明升中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点期刊、明升中国工程院院刊系列,FESE一直致力于提升发文质量,同时也通过评选年度“Best Papers”等活动,以肯定优质学术成果、促进环境领域的理论和技术创新。

2021年,FESE共发表133篇研究和综述论文。编委会组织评选出3篇Best Papers,现予以公布。

2021年度FESE期刊Best Papers信息如下:



Yang Li, Yixin Zhang, Guangshen Xia, Juhong Zhan, Gang Yu, Yujue Wang

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2021, 15(1): 1.

doi. 10.1007/s11783-020-1293-2



On-site and on-demand production of H2O2 in an energy-efficient, environmental friendly, and safe way is of great significance to advanced oxidation processes in wastewater treatment. This study evaluated the techno-economic feasibility of H2O2 production from oxygen reduction at a gas diffusion cathode under long-term realistic operating conditions. The electrochemical cell with carbon black-polytetrafluoroethylene electrodes achieved apparent current efficiencies of > 80% over a wide current densities of 5 to 400 mA/cm2, and a steady performance during a test period of 46 days. Enhanced abatement of ozone-resistant micro-pollutants was achieved when combining the H2O2 production cell with ozonation. The preliminary overall cost of electrochemical H2O2 production was estimated to be ~0.88 $/kg. This study confirmed that on-site electrochemical H2O2 production with gas diffusion electrode is feasible for practical water treatment.



Xiling Li, Tianwei Hao, Yuxin Tang, Guanghao Chen

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2021, 15(1): 3.

doi. 10.1007/s11783-020-1295-0



Slow pyrolysis of wasted activated sludge (WAS) to produce biochar has gained broad interest as a new option to recover useful carbon resources beyond biogas from wastewater treatment plants. The activation of biochar in an ecofriendly and economic way to create porous structure and develop porosity is of significance particularly when the generated biochar is used to fabricate electrochemical capacitors. This study proposed conceptually to use sea water for chemical activation to prepare capacitive biochar from WAS, i.e., a “Seawater-in-sludge” approach, and proved it. The experiments proved the feasibility of seawater as an activation agent, and the produced biochar obtained larger surface area (up to 480.3 m2/g) with hierarchical porosity distribution, higher graphitization degree, and less functional groups than the conventional directly-pyrolyzed sludge. The lower resistance, higher specific capacitance (up to 113.9 F/g), excellent durability and stability in the electrochemical tests proved the produced biochar favorable as a capacitive material. The study offered a new cost-effective route for simultaneous WAS treatment and resource recovery especially in coastal areas.



Karla Ilic Durdic, Raluca Ostafe, Olivera Prodanovic, Aleksandra Durdevic Delmaš, Nikolina Popovic, Rainer Fischer, Stefan Schillberg, Radivoje Prodanovic

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2021, 15(2): 19.

doi. 10.1007/s11783-020-1311-4



Enzymatic engineering is a promising alternative to effectively degrading azo dyes. This study applied saturation mutagenesis to a wild-type lignin peroxidase (LiP) and screened to identify LiP variants for efficient azo dye degradation, after which a novel biocatalyst was prepared by displaying the mutants on the surface of yeast cell wall fragments. Experiments showed that the mutations improved the overall catalytic activity for three target dyes though the influences on the affinity to the substrate (Km) and the catalytic activity (kcat) were differentiated. Besides, the yeast cell wall fragments with mutated LiP degraded three target dyes at percentages of 85% to 99%, higher than that with wild-type LiP (35% to 60%); and maintained the enzyme activity and stability after ten reaction cycles each lasting 8 h. This study provides a strategy for enzyme improvement to be applied for effective target pollutant removal, and also a means to immobilize the enzyme in a stable and ready-to-use form.





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