
来源:Frontiers of Computer Science 发布时间:2022/5/31 10:23:53
FCS | 《计算机app前沿》2022年第三期目录




Excellent Young Scholars Forum

Xiaoheng JIANG, Hao LIU, Li ZHANG, Geyang LI, Mingliang XU, Pei LV, Bing ZHOU

Transferring priors from virtual data for crowd counting in real world


Changpeng ZHU, Bo HAN, Yinliang ZHAO

A bi-metric autoscaling approach for n-tier web applications on kubernetes

Xin YOU, Hailong YANG, Zhongzhi LUAN, Depei QIAN

Accelerating the cryo-EM structure determination in RELION on GPU cluster

Dunbo ZHANG, Chaoyang JIA, Li SHEN

Compressed page walk cache


Pengfei GAO, Yongjie XU, Fu SONG, Taolue CHEN

Model-based automated testing of JavaScript Web applications via longer test sequences

Artificial Intelligence

Song SUN, Bo ZHAO, Muhammad MATEEN, Xin CHEN, Junhao WEN

Mask guided diverse face image synthesis

Zhenghao TAN, Songcan CHEN

On the learning dynamics of two-layer quadratic neural networks for understanding deep learning

Junsong FAN, Yuxi WANG, He GUAN, Chunfeng SONG, Zhaoxiang ZHANG

Toward few-shot domain adaptation with perturbation-invariant representation and transferable prototypes

Theoretical Computer Science

Yurong JI, Jinmeng LIU, Yujie BAI, Shufei WU

Full friendly index sets of mCn

Elisabetta DE MARIA, Abdorrahim BAHRAMI, Thibaud L’YVONNET, Amy FELTY, Daniel GAFFÉ, Annie RESSOUCHE, Franck GRAMMONT

On the use of formal methods to model and verify neuronal archetypes


Information Systems

Yunhao SUN, Guanyu LI, Jingjing DU, Bo NING, Heng CHEN

A subgraph matching algorithm based on subgraph index for knowledge graph

Xiao PAN, Lei WU, Fenjie LONG, Ang MA

Exploiting user behavior learning for personalized trajectory recommendations

Image and Graphics

Yujin CHAI, Yanlin WENG, Lvdi WANG, Kun ZHOU

Speech-driven facial animation with spectral gathering and temporal attention

Shiwei CHENG, Jialing WANG, Xiaoquan SHEN, Yijian CHEN, Anind DEY

Collaborative eye tracking based code review through real-time shared gaze visualization

Information Security

Haixia ZHAO, Yongzhuang WEI

New construction of highly nonlinear resilient S-boxes via linear codes

Qiao XUE, Youwen ZHU, Jian WANG

Mean estimation over numeric data with personalized local differential privacy

Jingya FENG, Lang LI

SCENERY: a lightweight block cipher based on Feistel structure


Hao WANG, Liyan DONG, Minghui SUN

Local feature aggregation algorithm based on graph convolutional network

Shuai WANG, Chunyi CHEN, Guijie ZHANG

Similarity-based privacy protection for publishing k-anonymous trajectories

Lei NIE, Bo LIU, Peng LI, Heng HE, Libing WU

An improved multi-attribute decision-making based network selection algorithm for heterogeneous vehicular network

Xingshen SONG, Jinsheng DENG, Fengcai QIAO, Kun JIANG

K-ary search tree revisited: improving construction and intersection efficiency


Yu HU, Derong SHEN, Tiezheng NIE, Yue KOU, Ge YU

Biomedical entity linking based on less labeled data


Zhiqiang YU, Yantuan XIAN, Zhengtao YU, Yuxin HUANG, Junjun GUO

Linguistic feature template integration for Chinese-Vietnamese neural machine translation

Xiaoling MO, Daoyun XU, Kai YAN, Zaijun ZHANG

Satisfiability threshold of the random regular (s,c,k)-SAT problem



Frontiers of Computer Science

Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS)是由教育部主管、高等教育出版社和北京航空航天大学共同主办、SpringerNature 公司海外发行的英文学术期刊。本刊于 2007 年创刊,双月刊,全球发行。主要刊登计算机app领域具有创新性的综述论文、研究论文等。本刊主编为周志华教授,共同主编为熊璋教授。编委会及青年 AE 团队由国内外知名学者及优秀青年学者组成。本刊被 SCI、Ei、DBLP、INSPEC、SCOPUS 和明升中国app引文数据库(CSCD)核心库等收录,为 CCF 推荐期刊;两次入选“明升中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”;入选“第4届明升中国国际化精品科技期刊”;入选“明升中国科技期刊卓越行动计划项目”。




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