FES |过去450年天山北麓植被与湿度如何变化? |
论文标题:Changes in vegetation and moisture in the northern Tianshan of China over the past 450 years (过去450年天山北麓植被与湿度如何变化?)
作者:Weihe REN,Yan ZHAO,Quan LI,Jianhui CHEN
发表时间:19 December 2019
针对该app问题,明升中国app院地理app与资源研究所古生态研究组发表于Frontiers of Earth Science(2020年第二期)的《Changes in vegetation and moisture in the northern Tianshan of China over the past 450 years》,以新疆天山北麓四厂湖泥炭地的沉积物为研究对象,在较可靠的AMS14C定年框架基础上,利用孢粉、粒度和烧失量指标,结合主成分分析与生物群区化方法,定量重建了过去450年天山北麓地区约5年高时间分辨率的植被与气候变化历史,将为中亚干旱-半干旱地区气候变化的预测与应对策略的制定提供理论支撑。
研究发现,四厂湖泥炭沉积开始于约1730 AD,在此之前为湖沼环境;1550 AD以来,当地植被以荒漠植被为主,在1730-1870 AD时段发育了沼泽化草甸。过去450年以来,区域气候主要经历了极干-较干-相对湿润-较干的四个变化阶段,其中小冰期气候经历了从干旱向较湿润的转变(图1和图2)。
图1 四厂湖过去450年孢粉记录及其主成分-生物群区化分析结果
图3 气候记录区域对比与机制分析
摘要:Knowledge of historical changes in moisture within semi-arid and arid regions is the basis of climatic change predictions and strategies in response to long-term drought. In this study, a multiproxy peat record with high-resolution from Sichanghu in the northern Tianshan was used to document the changes in vegetation and climate over the past 450 years in the arid Central Asia. The pollen, grain size, and loss on ignition (LOI) records indicate that the productivity of local peat began to increase at ~1730 AD. The vegetation in the Sichanghu area experienced several transitions, from temperate desert to dense desert, marsh meadow, and steppe desert vegetation. The climate in the study area was extremely dry during the early stages of the Little Ice Age (LIA) (before 1730 AD) and relatively wet during the late stages (1730–1880 AD). The inferred changes in the moisture conditions of the Sichanghu peatland since the LIA may have been controlled by the extent of Arctic sea ice, the North Atlantic Oscillation, and the Siberian High via the connections of large-scale atmospheric circulations such as the Westerlies.
Frontiers of Earth Science 是由教育部主管,高等教育出版社与华东师范大学联合主办的英文学术期刊,德国Springer公司负责海外发行,以网络版和印刷版两种形式出版。全球发行。主编高炜教授(华东师范大学)。2007年创刊,季刊。
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