
来源:Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 发布时间:2020/6/22 14:35:02
FESE | 政府政策对废旧塑料回收再利用的影响研究

论文标题:The impact of government incentives and penalties on willingness to recycle plastic waste: An evolutionary game theory perspective (政府奖惩措施对废旧塑料回收再利用意愿的影响:演化博弈论的视角)


作者:Zhen Wang(王震), Jiazhen Huo(霍佳震), Yongrui Duan(段永瑞)

发表时间:15 January 2020




Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering(环境app与工程前沿)期刊发表的一项研究The impact of government incentives and penalties on willingness to recycle plastic waste: An evolutionary game theory perspective将政府与回收者和再利用者一同纳入废旧塑料回收再利用的三方动态演化博弈模型中,探讨政府激励措施和惩罚措施对多个参与者进行废旧塑料回收再利用意愿的动态影响,并给出了合理制定激励措施和惩罚措施的建议。研究结果表明:激励措施和惩罚措施的增加都可以提高废旧塑料回收者和再利用者参与回收再利用的可能;与补贴激励措施相比,政策扶持激励措施可以推动回收者和再利用者更早地参与废旧塑料回收再利用;与废旧塑料回收者相比,废旧塑料再利用者对惩罚措施更加敏感。

摘要图 废旧塑料回收的三方动态进化博弈模型



• Punishments increase the participation probability of collectors and recyclers.

• Policy-sponsored incentives make collectors and recyclers to participate earlier.

• Recyclers are more sensitive to government punishments than collectors.

Because governments have introduced policies involving incentives and penalties to promote the recycling of plastic waste, it is important to understand the impact of such incentives and penalties on the willingness of stakeholders to participate. In this study, government is included as a player, alongside waste collectors and recyclers, in a tripartite evolutionary game model of plastic waste recycling. The study explores the evolutionary equilibrium and performs a simulation analysis to elucidate the effect of government incentives and penalties on the willingness of other players to participate in recycling. Three conclusions are drawn from this research. First, an increase in incentives or in penalties increases the probability that collectors and recyclers will participate in the recycling process. Second, policy support incentives encourage collectors and recyclers to participate in plastic waste recycling earlier than subsidy incentives do. Finally, recyclers are more sensitive than collectors to government-imposed penalties.


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