论文标题:Pelagic fish predation is stronger at temperate latitudes than near the equator
作者:Marius Roesti, Daniel N. Anstett et.al
发表的一篇论文Pelagic fish predation is stronger at temperate latitudes than near the equator指出,鲨鱼、金枪鱼、旗鱼、马林鱼这类大宗鱼类在温带地区海洋的捕食行为比在赤道附近更多。研究结果挑战了之前的假设,即认为赤道附近的捕食行为最多,且捕食行为与鱼类物种多样性呈正相关。
图片来源:Roesti, M., Anstett, D.N., Freeman, B.G. 等
瑞士伯尔尼大学的Marius Roesti和同事分析了1960年至2014年的中上层(大洋)延绳钓数据集,数据集记录了大宗鱼类捕食者对带饵绳的逾9亿次攻击。他们发现,温带地区(大致在南北纬30度-60度之间的中纬度带)的捕食者攻击比赤道周围更频繁,且这种模式不随时间改变,在四个洋盆中均一致。中上层鱼类的捕食行为在靠近两极处再次减少,而两极的捕食者主要是海洋哺乳动物、海鸟和深海鱼类。
摘要:Species interactions are widely thought to be strongest in the tropics, potentially contributing to the greater number of species at lower latitudes. Yet, empirical tests of this “biotic interactions” hypothesis remain limited and often provide mixed results. Here, we analyze 55 years of catch per unit effort data from pelagic longline fisheries to estimate the strength of predation exerted by large predatory fish in the world’s oceans. We test two central tenets of the biotic interactions hypothesis: that predation is (1) strongest near the equator, and (2) positively correlated with species richness. Counter to these predictions, we find that predation is (1) strongest in or near the temperate zone and (2) negatively correlated with oceanic fish species richness. These patterns suggest that, at least for pelagic fish predation, common assumptions about the latitudinal distribution of species interactions do not apply, thereby challenging a leading explanation for the latitudinal gradient in species diversity.