
来源:BMC Public Health 发布时间:2020/4/9 9:31:45
亲友自杀离世,媒体该如何报道?| BMC Public Health

论文标题:The experiences of people bereaved by suicide regarding the press reporting of the death: qualitative study


作者:Philip Gregory, Fiona Stevenson et al.




BMC Public Health 近日发表的一项研究描述了亲友自杀身亡亲历者分享的有关媒体报道相关自杀事件的经历。作者Alexandra Pitman 与自杀后伙伴支持组织的Samaritans,以及经历了亲友自杀离世的手机版记者Emma Bird进行了交谈。


我们近期在 BMC Public Health 上发表的研究工作描述了类似上述情况中死者亲属的观点,并举例说明了他们对隐私的需求与记者的工作需要之间的矛盾。在回答我们在线调查的140名亲友自杀离世亲历者中,有许多人描述了对记者的入侵行为、不适当询问以及失实报道的感受。然而,也有一些人认为手机版报道是增强意识和防止其他自杀事件的机会。


公共卫生研究人员认识到,无论死者是否受到公众关注,报道自杀事件时,手机版工作者往往身处困境之中。Samaritans的媒体咨询服务主管Lorna Fraser在阅读我们的研究结果后评论道:


自杀后伙伴支持组织(Support After Suicide Partnership)的执行主管Sarah Bates说:“自杀绝对是毁灭性的,而且对于自杀冷漠的报道可能会对所报道死亡事件的直接当事人,以及过去甚至多年前有过类似经历的人造成巨大的破坏性影响。与此同时,手机版界在报道符合公共利益的自杀事件时面临真正的挑战。因此,有必要根据Samaritans媒体指南进行负责的、全面的和敏感的报道。报道必须把悲伤的家人、朋友、同事和专业人士放在每个手机版工作者工作的核心。正如Lorna提到的,手机版工作者经常在自杀事件发生后不久就参与进来,往往是在支持服务机构能够与悲痛的家庭建立关系之前。因此,手机版工作者可以建议家庭选出一位‘发言人’,作为媒体与受影响最大的人们之间的桥梁,并保持诚实、开放和敏感的沟通。我们认为,负责任的报道有一些不可缺少的方面,包括在提到自杀方式或地点时不要提供过多细节,避免不必要地使用图像,并始终确保读者能直接获得支持。”

曾经历过亲人自杀离世的记者和博主Emma Bird评论道:“我支持这项研究。由于我的兄弟因自杀而去世,和他去世前相比,现在的我无疑是一个更好的记者。我具有了优秀手机版工作者应具备的素质:我是一个好的倾听者,富有同情心,人们也信任我。但即使是这样,如果我那时知道我现在所知道的内容,就不会把上门采访搞砸。我认为报道自杀事件并没有错,但是必须以一种对丧亲者敏感的方式去做,并体谅他们正在经历的一切。”




Media guidelines on suicide reporting of suicide have two purposes: to prevent further suicides, and to minimise distress to the bereaved, who are themselves at increased risk of suicide. We aimed to describe the subjective experiences of people bereaved by suicide regarding media reporting of the suicide of their friend or relative.


We conducted a cross-sectional study of staff and students aged 18–40 at 37 United Kingdom higher educational institutions in 2010 to recruit adults who had experienced bereavement by the suicide of a close contact. We analysed free-text responses to a question probing experiences of the press after the suicide, using thematic analysis to identify key themes.


We analysed responses from 140 eligible respondents, and identified 3 main themes: value placed on respecting the privacy or wishes of the bereaved; respect accorded to the deceased; and the role of the press in promoting suicide prevention messages. Many respondents described negative experiences of the press, with sub-themes capturing distressing experiences relating to perceptions of journalists’ intrusive behaviour, failure to consult appropriately with the bereaved, journalists releasing private information, negatively misrepresenting the deceased, and breaching the anonymity of the deceased or bereaved. We identified considerable variation in people’s views over acceptable levels of detail reported in the press, and in some cases objections were in relation to journalists following media guidelines. These divergent views illustrate the tensions between the twin purposes of media guidelines: to prevent further suicides, and to protect the bereaved.


The findings from our British sample provide journalists with personal perspectives from bereaved relatives on the impact of media intrusion, speculation, and misrepresentation, and an insight into disparate views on the nature of information relatives feel comfortable disclosing. These findings suggest a need for journalists’ training to include exposure to such views, to heighten awareness of potentially distressing effects and the nuances of bereaved people’s preferences. This should aim to encourage journalists to consult with bereaved relatives more sensitively, whilst also remaining mindful of media guidelines on the reporting of suicide.


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