
来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/7/3 11:09:20
一种化合物可以去除小鼠骨骼内的铀 | 《自然-通讯》

论文标题:A 3,2-Hydroxypyridinone-based Decorporation Agent that Removes Uranium from Bones In Vivo


作者:Xiaomei Wang, Xing Dai, Cen Shi, Jianmei Wan, Mark A. Silver, Linjuan Zhang, Lanhua Chen, Xuan Yi, Bizheng Chen, Duo Zhang, Kai Yang, Juan Diwu, Jianqiang Wang, Yujie Xu, Ruhong Zhou, Zhifang Chai, Shuao Wang


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-10276-z



根据本周《自然-通讯》发表的一篇论文A 3,2-Hydroxypyridinone-based Decorporation Agent that Removes Uranium from Bones In Vivo一种化合物可以在小鼠暴露于放射性元素铀之后,去除其骨骼和肾脏内的铀。这项研究结果表明,这种化合物或可用于曾暴露于铀的人类身上;不过这还需要经过进一步的测试。

图1:5LIO-1-Cm-3,2-HOPO 的合成 图源:Wang等



摘要:Searching for actinide decorporation agents with advantages of high decorporation efficiency, minimal biological toxicity, and high oral efficiency is crucial for nuclear safety and the sustainable development of nuclear energy. Removing actinides deposited in bones after intake is one of the most significant challenges remaining in this field because of the instantaneous formation of highly stable actinide phosphate complexes upon contact with hydroxyapatite. Here we report a hydroxypyridinone-based ligand (5LIO-1-Cm-3,2-HOPO) exhibiting stronger affinity for U(VI) compared with the reported tetradentate hydroxypyridinone ligands. This is further revealed by the first principles calculation analysis on bonding between the ligand and uranium. Both in vitro uranium removal assay and in vivo decorporation experiments with mice show that 5LIO-1-Cm-3,2-HOPO can remove uranium from kidneys and bones with high efficiencies, while the decorporation efficiency is nearly independent of the treatment time. Moreover, this ligand shows a high oral decorporation efficiency, making it attractive for practical applications.


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