塑料微粒在蒙特雷湾深海区的分布调查 | 《app手机版》 |
论文标题:The vertical distribution and biological transport of marine microplastics across the epipelagic and mesopelagic water column
作者:C. Anela Choy, Bruce H. Robison, Tyler O. Gagne, Benjamin Erwin, Evan Firl, Rolf U. Halden, J. Andrew Hamilton, Kakani Katija, Susan E. Lisin, Charles Rolsky, Kyle S. Van Houtan
数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-019-44117-2
根据《app手机版》本周发表的一项研究The vertical distribution and biological transport of marine microplastics across the epipelagic and mesopelagic water column,加州蒙特雷湾深海区内可能存在一个大型海洋塑料微粒“库”,这可能是现在最大的塑料微粒库之一,但目前未得到充分重视。
美国加州大学圣迭戈分校的C. Anela Choy及同事运用远程操作工具和特制的取样器收集并检查了蒙特雷湾深海区的塑料微粒分布情况。他们采集了5–1,000米深的26,239升海水以及远洋红蟹和巨型幼形海鞘——这两种动物直接以和塑料微粒同样大小的微粒为食。
摘要:Plastic waste has been documented in nearly all types of marine environments and has been found in species spanning all levels of marine food webs. Within these marine environments, deep pelagic waters encompass the largest ecosystems on Earth. We lack a comprehensive understanding of the concentrations, cycling, and fate of plastic waste in sub-surface waters, constraining our ability to implement effective, large-scale policy and conservation strategies. We used remotely operated vehicles and engineered purpose-built samplers to collect and examine the distribution of microplastics in the Monterey Bay pelagic ecosystem at water column depths ranging from 5 to 1000 m. Laser Raman spectroscopy was used to identify microplastic particles collected from throughout the deep pelagic water column, with the highest concentrations present at depths between 200 and 600 m. Examination of two abundant particle feeders in this ecosystem, pelagic red crabs (Pleuroncodes planipes) and giant larvaceans (Bathochordaeus stygius), showed that microplastic particles readily flow from the environment into coupled water column and seafloor food webs. Our findings suggest that one of the largest and currently underappreciated reservoirs of marine microplastics may be contained within the water column and animal communities of the deep sea.
期刊介绍: () is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.
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