
来源:European Transport Research Review 发布时间:2019/5/20 17:04:40
货运的未来:路在何方 | SpringerOpen Journal

英文标题:The future of freight transport

原文作者:Cathy Macharis & Silvio Nocera




在当前气候逐年变化、环境污染不断加重、拥堵问题日益严重的背景下,货物运输正面临着巨大的挑战。 运输需求急剧增加,同时电子商务和城市分布造成的问题亟待解决。 另一方面,新技术的发展可能带来颠覆性的商业模式,并对整个社会造成多种影响。

European Transport Research Review 的最新特刊中,Cathy Macharis和Silvio Nocera汇集了6项研究,从不同角度探讨货运的未来。


在2015年巴黎COP21会议上,欧盟提出的目标是到2030年将温室气体排放量降低到1990年的60%。交通运输是实现这一目标进程中的重要一环:目前,交通运输部门产生的二氧化碳占整个欧盟排放量的32% (EEA, 2017)。

2018年3月欧洲通信与交通运输学术人员网络(Nectar)第三分部会议在威尼斯召开,会议上我们探讨了未来货运应如何发展。研究人员从不同角度对这一主题进行了分析和讨论。在本期European Transport Research Review特刊中,我们选取汇总了当时最为精彩的6篇投稿,或许会对未来将参与货运变革的有关部门或个人有所启发。 如您对我们的特刊感兴趣,欢迎阅读最新发表的社论,文中对6篇研究的内容和主要发现进行了概述。

The future of freight transport

The future of freight transport

Authors: Cathy Macharis and Silvio Nocera

Synchromodality in the Physical Internet – dual sourcing and real-time switching between transport modes

Authors: Nina Lemmens, Joren Gijsbrechts and Robert Boute

Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping for B2C deliveries

Authors: Valerio Gatta, Edoardo Marcucci, Marialisa Nigro and Simone Serafini

Measuring delivery route cost trade-offs between electric-assist cargo bicycles and delivery trucks in dense urban areas

Authors: Manali Sheth, Polina Butrina, Anne Goodchild and Edward McCormack

A shift-share based tool for assessing the contribution of a modal shift to the decarbonisation of inland freight transport

Authors: Olaf Jonkeren, Jan Francke and Johan Visser

Using an integrated order picking-vehicle routing problem to study the impact of delivery time windows in e-commerce

Authors: Katrien Ramaekers, An Caris, Stef Moons and Teun van Gils

Options for reducing external costs from freight transport along the Brenner corridor

Authors: Silvio Nocera, Federico Cavallaro and Olga Irranca Galati



European Transport Research Review (ETRR)(, 1.758 - ) is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing original high-quality scholarly research and developments in areas related to transportation science, technologies, policy and practice. Established in 2008 by the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the Journal provides researchers and practitioners around the world with an authoritative forum for the dissemination and critical discussion of new ideas and methodologies that originate in, or are of special interest to, the European transport research community. The journal is unique in its field, as it covers all modes of transport and addresses both the engineering and the social science perspective, offering a truly multidisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, engineers and policymakers.


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