论文标题:Hyperacidification of Citrus fruits by a vacuolar proton-pumping P-ATPase complex
作者:Pamela Strazzer, Cornelis E. Spelt, Shuangjiang Li, Mattijs Bliek, Claire T. Federici, Mikeal L. Roose, Ronald Koes, Francesca M. Quattrocchio
数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-08516-3
《自然-通讯》本周发表的一篇论文Hyperacidification of Citrus fruits by a vacuolar proton-pumping P-ATPase complex指出了与柑橘属水果的酸味有关的基因。
荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学的Ronald Koes和同事对比了不同甜酸口味的柑橘属品种,包括柠檬、橙、柚子和青柠。作者发现,酸味品种会表达CitPH1和CitPH5两个基因,这两个基因会编码增强质子泵过程的转运蛋白,使液泡的氢离子浓度上升。而这两个基因在味甜不酸的水果品种中的表达则有所减少。该转运蛋白与作者先前发现决定矮牵牛紫色花色的蛋白类型相同。
摘要:The sour taste of Citrus fruits is due to the extreme acidification of vacuoles in juice vesicle cells via a mechanism that remained elusive. Genetic analysis in petunia identified two vacuolar P-ATPases, PH1 and PH5, which determine flower color by hyperacidifying petal cell vacuoles. Here we show that Citrus homologs, CitPH1 and CitPH5, are expressed in sour lemon, orange, pummelo and rangpur lime fruits, while their expression is strongly reduced in sweet-tasting “acidless” varieties. Down-regulation of CitPH1 and CitPH5 is associated with mutations that disrupt expression of MYB, HLH and/or WRKY transcription factors homologous to those activating PH1 and PH5 in petunia. These findings address a long-standing enigma in cell biology and provide targets to engineer or select for taste in Citrus and other fruits.
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