
来源:Communications Biology 发布时间:2019/11/26 10:48:18
白垩纪早期的一种鸟类新物种拥有尾踪骨 |《通讯-生物学》

论文标题:An unusual bird (Theropoda, Avialae) from the Early Cretaceous of Japan suggests complex evolutionary history of basal birds


作者:Takuya Imai, Yoichi Azuma et.al




本周An unusual bird (Theropoda, Avialae) from the Early Cretaceous of Japan suggests complex evolutionary history of basal birds手机版了一种在日本发现的此前未知鸟类物种的化石。这个物种生活在大约1.2亿年前的白垩纪早期,或能增进我们对于早期鸟类演化的理解。

Fukuipteryx prima复原图

图片来源:Masanori Yoshida


日本福井县立大学恐龙学研究所、福井县立博物馆的今井拓哉及同事描述了一块三维保存的鸟类化石,该化石与鸽子大小相当,发现于日本中部,可追溯至白垩纪早期。这块标本被命名为“Fukuipteryx prima”,是在明升中国以外发现的这一时期的第一个原始鸟类标本。作者认为F. prima可能和始祖鸟有若干相同的特征,包括结实的叉骨、未融合的骨盆和前肢,但是F. prima还拥有一个完全成形的尾踪骨。过去的研究已经表明,尾踪骨是鸟类在早期演化中关键的适应飞行的特征之一。但是,作者提出F. prima存在尾踪骨印证了一些新近的理论,即尾踪骨只是尾巴退化的副产物,与飞行适应无关。

摘要:The Early Cretaceous basal birds were known largely from just two-dimensionally preserved specimens from north-eastern China (Jehol Biota), which has hindered our understanding of the early evolution of birds. Here, we present a three-dimensionally-preserved skeleton (FPDM-V-9769) of a basal bird from the Early Cretaceous of Fukui, central Japan. Unique features in the pygostyle and humerus allow the assignment of FPDM-V-9769 to a new taxon, Fukuipteryx prima. FPDM-V-9769 exhibits a set of features comparable to that of other basalmost birds including Archaeopteryx. Osteohistological analyses indicate that FPDM-V-9769 is subadult. Phylogenetic analyses resolveF. prima as a non-ornithothoracine avialan basal to Jeholornis and outgroup of the Pygostylia. This phylogenetic result may imply a complex evolutionary history of basal birds. To our knowledge, FPDM-V-9769 represents the first record of the Early Cretaceous non-ornithothoracine avialan outside of the Jehol Biota and increases our understanding of their diversity and distribution during the time.


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