
来源:Applied Network Science 发布时间:2019/1/15 11:19:21
着眼微小处:在肺叶上定位细菌 | Springer Open

论文标题:A spatially heterogeneous network-based metapopulation software model applied to the simulation of a pulmonary tuberculosis infection


作者:Michael J. Pitcher, Ruth Bowness, Simon Dobson and Stephen H. Gillespie





虽然我们早就能够成功地治愈结核病,但治疗的持续时间很长。这导致病人往往难以严格遵守治疗方案,也意味着这种疾病的致死率居高不下。在接下来的这篇客座文章中,Michael J. Pitcher向我们介绍了他最近发表在Applied Network Science上的研究,该研究表明,模拟结核病感染的空间分布可能有助于开发出替代性的、为期更短的治疗方案。











Tuberculosis (TB) is an ancient disease that, although curable, still accounts for over 1 million deaths worldwide. Shortening treatment time is an important area of research but is hampered by the lack of models that mimic the full range of human pathology. TB shows distinct localisations during different stages of infection, the reasons for which are poorly understood. Greater understanding of how heterogeneity within the human lung influences disease progression may hold the key to improving treatment efficiency and reducing treatment times.

In this work, we present a novel in silico software model which uses a networked metapopulation incorporating both spatial heterogeneity and dissemination possibilities to simulate a TB infection over the whole lung and associated lymphatics. The entire population of bacteria and immune cells is split into a network of patches: members interact within patches and are able to move between them. Patches and edges of the lung network include their own environmental attributes which influence the dynamics of interactions between the members of the subpopulations of the patches and the translocation of members along edges.

In this work, we detail the initial findings of a whole-organ model that incorporates distinct spatial heterogeneity features which are not present in standard differential equation approaches to tuberculosis modelling. We show that the inclusion of heterogeneity within the lung landscape when modelling TB disease progression has significant outcomes on the bacterial load present: a greater differential of oxygen, perfusion and ventilation between the apices and the basal regions of the lungs creates micro-environments at the apex that are more preferential for bacteria, due to increased oxygen availability and reduced immune activity, leading to a greater overall bacterial load present once latency is established.

These findings suggest that further whole-organ modelling incorporating more sophisticated heterogeneities within the environment and complex lung topologies will provide more insight into the environments in which TB bacteria persist and thus help develop new treatments which are factored towards these environmental conditions.



Applied Network Science (ANS) () is an open-access and strictly peer-reviewed journal giving researchers and practitioners in the field the ability to reach a larger audience. ANS encompasses all established and emerging fields that have been or can be shown to benefit from quantitative network-based modeling. Contributions from all fields of science, technology, medicine and humanities will be considered, in particular from newly emerging research areas formed and developing at the interfaces of presently established sub-disciplines.


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