南京农业大学梨课题组揭示亚洲梨和西洋梨的分化与独立驯化 |
论文题目:Diversification and independent domestication of Asian and European pears
作者:Jun Wu et al.
Pear (Pyrus) is a globally grown fruit, with thousands of cultivars in five domesticated species and dozens of wild species. However, little is known about the evolutionary history of these pear species and what has contributed to the distinct phenotypic traits between Asian pears and European pears.
We report the genome resequencing of 113 pear accessions from worldwide collections, representing both cultivated and wild pear species. Based on 18,302,883 identified SNPs, we conduct phylogenetics, population structure, gene flow, and selective sweep analyses. Furthermore, we propose a model for the divergence, dissemination, and independent domestication of Asian and European pears in which pear, after originating in southwest China and then being disseminated throughout central Asia, has eventually spread to western Asia, and then on to Europe. We find evidence for rapid evolution and balancing selection for S-RNase genes that have contributed to the maintenance of self-incompatibility, thus promoting outcrossing and accounting for pear genome diversity across the Eurasian continent. In addition, separate selective sweep signatures between Asian pears and European pears, combined with co-localized QTLs and differentially expressed genes, underline distinct phenotypic fruit traits, including flesh texture, sugar, acidity, aroma, and stone cells.
This study provides further clarification of the evolutionary history of pear along with independent domestication of Asian and European pears. Furthermore, it provides substantive and valuable genomic resources that will significantly advance pear improvement and molecular breeding efforts.
南京农业大学园艺学院张绍铃教授团队近日在期刊Genome Biology在线发表了研究论文“Diversification and independent domestication of Asian and European pears”。文章不仅揭示了梨的起源、传播路径,同时发现了亚洲梨与西洋梨的分化和独立驯化事件。
图1 基于重测序的梨群体遗传关系和基因交流
研究发现不同来源的梨品种资源总体分为亚洲梨和欧洲梨两大组。其中,欧洲梨遗传背景相对简单、遗传多样性低,可分为野生种与栽培种组群;而亚洲梨遗传组成复杂,表现出较高的遗传多态性,并且野生与栽培种形成多个亚组。亚洲梨与西洋梨的分化时间大约在6.6 -3.3百万年以前,群体驯化研究进一步揭示了两大组群受选择区域的显著差异,支持了东、西方梨的独立驯化事件,从而第一次从遗传水平上解答了两个种群在果实品质等生物学性状上的显著差异。此外,研究还发现了梨的花柱S-RNase基因快速进化和平衡选择有利于保持自交不亲和性,从而促进了梨的异交和高度遗传多样性。该研究不仅完善了梨的起源、传播和驯化相关基础理论,也为开展梨的遗传改良和分子育种研究提供了宝贵的基因组遗传信息。
图2 梨主要栽培种的驯化与分化关系
该研究成果以南京农业大学为第一完成单位,南京农业大学张绍铃教授为通讯作者,吴俊教授为第一作者;河北省农科院石家庄果树研究所王迎涛研究员、华大基因徐加豹、美国伊利诺伊大学香槟校区Schuyler S.Korban教授和美国康奈尔大学费章君教授、南京农业大学陶书田副教授为共同第一作者。
第一作者:吴俊教授 南京农业大学园艺学院/作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室,国家杰出青年基金获得者,国家梨明升技术体系育种岗位app家,主要从事梨的基因组、种质资源和分子育种等方面的研究。