
来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2018/11/27 13:03:10

论文标题:Quantitative metaproteomics of medieval dental calculus reveals individual oral health status


作者:Rosa R. Jersie-Christensen, Liam T. Lanigan, David Lyon, Meaghan Mackie, Daniel Belstrøm, Christian D. Kelstrup, Anna K. Fotakis, Eske Willerslev, Niels Lynnerup, Lars J. Jensen, Enrico Cappellini, Jesper V. Olsen


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-018-07148-3



《自然-通讯》本周发表的一篇论文Quantitative metaproteomics of medieval dental calculus reveals individual oral health status对21名中世纪丹麦居民的牙菌斑进行了分析。研究显示,特定的蛋白特征可以区分健康个体和更易罹患口腔疾病的个体。这些差异无法用传统方式观察到,作者认为这表明他们的方法对于理解口腔卫生的历史状况具有一定价值。


牙菌斑中含有各式各样的分子,有些来自人体,有些来自细菌和食物。这种分子组成在健康和疾病个体之间存在差异, 被认为像指纹一样独特。

丹麦哥本哈根大学的Jesper Olsen、Enrico Cappellini及同事通过一种名为宏蛋白质组学的方法,对丹麦Tjærby墓地考古发掘出的21个个体的牙菌斑进行了分析,鉴定和量化其中的人体、细菌和膳食蛋白质,这些个体的年代可以追溯到公元1100-1450年左右。

他们将这些样本与 7名在世的健康参与者的样本进行了对比。作者通过分析发现,第一组中世纪样本具有显著的病原菌,而第二组与在世个体的健康口腔菌群具有更大相似性。这些蛋白特征还指出了古代和现代牙菌斑的一般差异,这或许能反映出生活方式和卫生习惯的转变。

图2:细菌属在样本组之间的差异表达。图源:Jersie-Christensen 等


摘要:The composition of ancient oral microbiomes has recently become accessible owing to advanced biomolecular methods such as metagenomics and metaproteomics, but the utility of metaproteomics for such analyses is less explored. Here, we use quantitative metaproteomics to characterize the dental calculus associated with the remains of 21 humans retrieved during the archeological excavation of the medieval (ca. 1100–1450 CE) cemetery of Tjærby, Denmark. We identify 3671 protein groups, covering 220 bacterial species and 81 genera across all medieval samples. The metaproteome profiles of bacterial and human proteins suggest two distinct groups of archeological remains corresponding to health-predisposed and oral disease-susceptible individuals, which is supported by comparison to the calculus metaproteomes of healthy living individuals. Notably, the groupings identified by metaproteomics are not apparent from the bioarchaeological analysis, illustrating that quantitative metaproteomics has the potential to provide additional levels of molecular information about the oral health status of individuals from archeological contexts.


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