
来源:明升手机版(明升中国) 发布时间:2024/7/2 14:30:36







北京时间7月2日晚八点,iCANX Youth Talks第六十二期邀请到了澳门大学Lek Man Lei,澳门大学Zehao Wu,澳门大学Ying Jiang三位教授主讲,澳门大学Qingsong Xu教授作为主持人,澳门大学Jinrong Liu教授担任嘉宾,期待你一起加入这场知识盛宴。


lek Man Lei


Embedded 3D printing of Soft Materials: Embedded Shapeability and Applications to Human Cochlear Modelling


Embedded 3D printing has emerged as a promising tool for on-demand fabrication of non-self-supporting soft materials. This technology, which involves architecting soft materials in supportive baths, has held great potential for applications ranging from tissue engineering to soft robotics applications. Our research lab focuses on soft material fabrication and printing. In this presentation, we will explore the recent advances in embedded 3D printing technology, and discuss two of our recent research works. The first study investigated the ‘embedded shapeability’ of different categories of hydrogel inks and proposed a general guideline for supportive bath selection in embedded printing. Building on these findings, we then utilised the embedded printing technique to develop biomimetic electroanatomical cochlear models. Our 3D printed cochlear models are able to provide clinical informatics for cochlear implant patients, such as the current spread problems.

嵌入式3D打印是一种制造复杂结构的柔性材料的先进手段。这种技术通过在支撑浴中打印,可构建具有三维结构的柔性材料,在组织工程及软体机器人等众多领域上具有具大潜在的应用。我们研究团队专注于软性材料的制造和打印技术。在本次手机版中, 我将讨论嵌入式3D打印技术的最新进展, 并讨论我们的两项研究工作。我们通过研究不同类型的水凝胶墨水在各种典型支撑浴的"可打印及成形性", 提出了一种通用和简化的支撑浴选择指南。此方法可以拓宽水凝胶的成形性,从而实现多种功能。在此基础上,我们进一步利用嵌入式打印技术开发了仿生耳蜗模型。该耳蜗模型能模拟真实活体耳蜗的特性,可预测电子耳蜗在使用过程的"电流扩散"特性。


Dr. Lei is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering at the University of Macau. She pursued her PhD in Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2022 and completed her Masters and undergraduate degree with First Class Honours in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London in 2016. Her research interests currently focus on soft material fabrication, bioinspired soft materials and soft robotics. During her PhD, she has received numerous awards, including the PhD Student Award from the Cambridge Society for the Application of Research and WD Armstrong studentship from the Cambridge School of Technology. Dr Lei has published a series of peer-reviewed articles in professional scientific journals, including Nat. Electron., Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater. and Adv. Funct. Mater. Her research works have been highlighted on BBC and Cambridge Engineering Department Newsletter etc.

李奕雯博士目前是澳门大学机电工程系助理教授。李博士具有多年增材制造技术、高分子材料、水凝胶材料、生物医用工程等跨学科研究背景。2016年在英国伦敦帝国学院明升手机工程系取得本硕连读学位(一等荣誉毕业)。2022年博士毕业于英国剑桥大学。主要从事柔性材料增材制造、高分子材料、柔性仿生材料和柔性机器人等研究。期间获得剑桥大学应用研究学会 (Cambridge Society for the Application of Research) 的优秀博士生奖、剑桥大学 W D Armstrong 奖学金、澳门基金会特别奖学金等,并入选为2022年全球青年app家峰会 (Global Young Scientists Summit) 剑桥大学代表参加者。近年在国际知名杂志发表学术论文,包括Nat. Electron., Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Acta Biomater. 等国际期刊。此外,李博士的研究工作被BBC, 剑桥大学工程系期刊,DeepTech深科技, wevolver, Nature Communications 等知名杂志及媒体作为Highlight 进行报道。

Zehao Wu


Compliant Mechanism: Macro & Micro Applications


Compliant mechanism is a type of mechanism that achieves force transmission and motion transmission through its elastic deformation, whose inspiration comes from natural animals. Compliant mechanisms have been widely applied in both our daily life and industrial applications. The compliant mechanism has merits in terms of no backlash, frictionless, and low assembly requirements. Therefore, compared with the rigid linkage mechanism, the compliant mechanism has a huge advantage in high-precision industries, especially in the fields of micro/nano manipulation, biomimetic robots, and intelligent structures. Based on the compliant mechanism, our team has successfully developed many novel devices to solve the requirements and challenges of different application environments and tasks. In this report, I will introduce two development devices based on compliant mechanism, which are dedicated to macro and micro tasks, respectively. For the macro polishing task, we developed a passive polishing end-effector with adjustable constant force and wide operating angle, which improves the adaptivity of the passive polishing end-effector to various polishing tasks. For the wireless micromanipulation in the closed environment, we developed a magnetically actuated biaxial robot with a compact structure and easy operation, which can grip, in-plane rotate, and locomote samples in a closed environment.



Dr. Zehao Wu received his Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. Degrees in 2017, 2019, and 2023 from the University of Macau. He was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in May 2024. He has been a postdoctoral researcher at Zhuhai UM Science&Technology Research Institute from 2023 to 2024. Currently, he will become a research assistant professor at the University of Macau. Dr. Wu has achieved Macau Foundation Scholarship, Tertiary Education Grants Scheme (Scholarship) from Macau, and Postgraduate Scholarship (Doctor’s Degree) from Macau. His research interests include compliant mechanisms, energy harvesting, and magnetic robots. Dr. Wu has published over 20 papers in journals, including the famous international journals of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, etc.

吴泽浩博士,分别于2017年、2019年与2023年获得澳门大学学士、硕士与博士学位,于2024年5月在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校任访问学者。2023年至2024年于珠海澳大科技研究院从事博士后研究工作,近期将入职澳门大学科技学院机电工程系研究助理教授。曾获得澳门基金会奖学金、澳门教青局硕士奖学金及博士奖学金等。吴博士的主要研究领域包括柔性机构、能量回收与磁驱动机器人等,在期刊上发表论文20余篇,包括IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing等国际知名期刊。

Ying Jiang


Interconnect and assembly in soft bioelectronics


Stretchable electronic devices that can retain the function of the circuits and electronic components under mechanical deformation largely extend the concept of electronics into new application scenarios. Using such stretchable devices as intelligent human-machine interface, bi-directional interaction between biological world and digital world can be effectively established. To assemble a mechanically compliant stretchable device, highly stable interconnects between its modules are required for systematic robustness. The interconnects in stretchable devices need to tolerate stress concentration that may limit their stretching and ultimately cause debonding failure. This talk will focus on the development of an innovative connection interface that enable robust stretchable devices to be reliably assembled in a Lego-like manner, via a unique bi-phasic nanostructure. Using such connection interface, complex stretchable devices such as implantable neuro-electrodes and on-skin electrophysiological devices can be easily assembled with high robustness.



Ying Jiang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, China. She received her Bachelor degree in Microelectronics from Sun Yat-sen University, Master degree in Physics from Tsinghua University, and Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, under supervision of Prof. Xiaodong Chen. Between 2020 and 2022, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Nanyang Technological University, then joined Prof. Zhenan Bao’s group at Stanford University in 2023, and joined University of Macau in 2024.3. Ying Jiang’s current research focuses on soft, stretchable electronic devices. She has published more than 25 papers on high impact journals (including one paper on Nature as first author), with total citations of over 2900 and H-index of 22 (by Google Scholar). Her research work has been featured in special report by Nature Research Briefing, as well as numerous prominent media outlets.

姜颖,明升中国澳门大学科技学院机电工程系助理教授(博士生导师,独立课题组负责人),具有微电子、材料、生物明升手机版工程等交叉学科背景。本科毕业于中山大学微电子系,硕士毕业于清华大学物理系,2020年于新加坡南洋理工大学材料学院获得博士学位并继续博后研究(师从陈晓东教授),随后作为访问博士后加入斯坦福大学(合作导师为鲍哲南教授),于2024年3月加入澳门大学科技学院机电工程系。姜颖博士主要从事柔性生物电子器件的软物质材料、结构力学设计、柔性传感集成等研究,在国际顶尖期刊发表学术论文20余篇,包括Nature(第一作者),Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, Accounts of Chemical Research等,曾获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(全球500人)等奖项。其工作受Nature Research Briefing专文报道(仅15%的Nature论文获此专访),并受到海内外学者的高度评价。


Qingsong Xu



Jinrong Liu


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