
来源:明升手机版(明升中国) 发布时间:2024/6/21 15:48:21
哈佛明升手机版院教授Luke P. Lee讲述通过SANDS、OBET、EXODUS和脑类器官MAP的纳米明升手机版







北京时间2024年6月21日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第191期邀请到了哈佛明升手机版院Luke P. Lee教授进行分享!此外,上海交通大学Xianting Ding,国家纳米app中心Hai Wang,成均馆大学Miso Kim,北京大学Haixia Zhang等教授担任嘉宾,南方科技大学Xingyu Jiang教授担任主持人。



Luke P. Lee


Nanomedicine via SANDs, QBET, EXODUS, and Brain Organoid MAP


In this talk, I will present smart SANDs (Speedy Analytical Nano-optofluidic Diagnostic systems) to predict and stop the spread of infectious diseases. Smart SANDs refer to advanced molecular diagnostic systems consisting of three primary components: (1) a self-contained on-chip sample preparation and liquid biopsy process, (2) an ultrafast plasmonic amplification method for DNA, RNA and protein biomarkers, and (3) a smartphone optical system interface. Furthermore, nanoplasmonic optical antennas permit QBET (Quantum Biological Electron Transfer) imaging to detect ET dynamics in mitochondrial cytochrome c in living cells. The non-invasive real-time QBET spectroscopic imaging of ET in live cells can open a new era in life sciences since it captures spatiotemporal ET dynamics in live cells. Nanoplasmonic optical antennas can also capture the secret communication codes of the bacterial extracellular vesicles (EVs) to understand better the mechanisms of bacterial communication, pathogenesis, and drug resistance.

I will also discuss how human EVs have emerged as a new paradigm in diagnostics and therapeutics, and the recent progress of EV-based applications of EXODUS (EXOsome Detection via the Ultrafast-purification System). Since the EXODUS by harmonic resonator generates high speed, purity, and yield via automated label-free purification of exosomes from various biofluids, it produces the most sensitive detection of liquid biopsy (from blood, tears, urine, or saliva). For example, the significantly improved purification of exosomes from urine samples of cancer patients enables us to obtain efficient multiomics and compare enriched pathways of kidney and bladder cancer. We also developed iTEARS (integrated Tear Exosome Analysis via Rapid-isolation System) to identify biomarkers of proteins and miRNAs and to see the world of diseases in a drop of tears. EXODUS-based iTEARS can provide a solution to identify numerous other diseases, including infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancers.

For personalized precision nanomedicine, I will present the development of brain organoid MAP (Microphysiological Analysis Platforms) with quantum biosensors and therapeutic modulations of mitochondrial electron transport chains. Human-induced pluripotent stem cells-based brain organoid MAP provides an ideal model to address fundamental questions of neuropathogenesis and find solutions for neurodegenerations. In addition, patient-derived brain organoids can recapitulate patient responses and help personalized medicine. Smart SANDs, QBET, EXODUS, and brain organoid MAPs will impact quantitative life sciences and precision nanomedicine via the convergence of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering.





Luke P. Lee is a Professor at Harvard Medical School. He received his BA in Biophysics and Ph.D. in Applied Physics and Bioengineering from UC Berkeley. He joined the faculty at UC Berkeley in 1999 after more than a decade of industry experience. He became the Arnold and Barbara Silverman Distinguished Professor and the Lester John and Lynne Dewar Lloyd Distinguished Professor at Berkeley. He also served as the Chair Professor in Systems Nanobiology at ETH Zürich. He founded the Biomedical Institute for Global Healthcare Research & Technology (BIGHEART). He served as Associate President for International Research and Innovation and Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at the National University of Singapore. He also founded the Institute for Quantum Biophysics at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. He has authored over 350 research articles, contributed to four book chapters, and holds 60 international patents. He mentored over 100 undergraduate students, 31 Ph.D. candidates, and 37 post-doctoral fellows, producing 37 faculty members at different universities. He has been honored as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. He has also received various awards, such as the IEEE William J. Morlock Award, NSF Career Award, Fulbright Scholar Award, and the HoAm Prize.

Luke P. Lee 是哈佛明升手机版院的教授,他在加州大学伯克利分校获得了生物物理学学士学位和应用物理学及生物工程博士学位。在拥有超过十年的工业界经验后,他于1999年加入了加州大学伯克利分校的教职。他成为了伯克利的阿诺德和芭芭拉·西尔弗曼杰出教授以及莱斯特·约翰和琳恩·德瓦尔·劳埃德杰出教授。他还曾担任苏黎世联邦理工学院系统纳米生物学的主席教授。他创立了全球健康研究与技术生物明升手机版研究所(BIGHEART)。他曾任新加坡国立大学的国际研究与创新协会副会长和陈振传百年纪念教授。他还在韩国成均馆大学创立了量子生物物理研究所。他撰写了超过350篇研究文章,为四本书撰写了章节,并持有60项国际专利。他指导了100多名本科生、31名博士生和37名博士后研究员,培养了37名不同大学的教师。他被授予皇家明升手机学会会员和美国明升手机版与生物工程学会会员的荣誉。他还获得了多项奖项,如IEEE威廉·J·莫洛克奖、NSF职业奖、富布赖特学者奖和何安奖。

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