
作者:未玖 来源:明升手机版(明升中国)微信公众号 发布时间:2023/9/30 20:52:00


编译 | 未玖

Nature, 28 September 2023, VOL 621, ISSUE 7980




Precessing jet nozzle connecting to a spinning black hole in M87


▲ 作者:Yuzhu Cui, Kazuhiro Hada, Tomohisa Kawashima, Motoki Kino, Weikang Lin, Yosuke Mizuno, et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

The nearby radio galaxy M87 offers a unique opportunity to explore the connections between the central supermassive black hole and relativistic jets. Previous studies of the inner region of M87 revealed a wide opening angle for the jet originating near the black hole. The Event Horizon Telescope resolved the central radio source and found an asymmetric ring structure consistent with expectations from general relativity. With a baseline of 17 years of observations, there was a shift in the jet’s transverse position, possibly arising from an 8- to 10-year quasi-periodicity. However, the origin of this sideways shift remains unclear. Here we report an analysis of radio observations over 22 years that suggests a period of about 11 years for the variation in the position angle of the jet. We infer that we are seeing a spinning black hole that induces the Lense–Thirring precession of a misaligned accretion disk. Similar jet precession may commonly occur in other active galactic nuclei but has been challenging to detect owing to the small magnitude and long period of the variation.


A quantum engine in the BEC–BCS crossover


▲ 作者:Jennifer Koch, Keerthy Menon, Eloisa Cuestas, Sian Barbosa, Eric Lutz, Thomás Fogarty, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Heat engines convert thermal energy into mechanical work both in the classical and quantum regimes. However, quantum theory offers genuine non-classical forms of energy, different from heat, which so far have not been exploited in cyclic engines. Here we experimentally realize a quantum many-body engine fuelled by the energy difference between fermionic and bosonic ensembles of ultracold particles that follows from the Pauli exclusion principle. We employ a harmonically trapped superfluid gas of 6Li atoms close to a magnetic Feshbach resonance that allows us to effectively change the quantum statistics from Bose–Einstein to Fermi–Dirac, by tuning the gas between a Bose–Einstein condensate of bosonic molecules and a unitary Fermi gas (and back) through a magnetic field. The quantum nature of such a Pauli engine is revealed by contrasting it with an engine in the classical thermal regime and with a purely interaction-driven device. We obtain a work output of several 106 vibrational quanta per cycle with an efficiency of up to 25%. Our findings establish quantum statistics as a useful thermodynamic resource for work production.

材料appMaterials Science

Electrically driven organic laser using integrated OLED pumping


▲ 作者:Kou Yoshida, Junyi Gong, Alexander L. Kanibolotsky, Peter J. Skabara, Graham A. Turnbull & Ifor D. W. Samuel

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▲ Abstract:

Organic semiconductors are carbon-based materials that combine optoelectronic properties with simple fabrication and the scope for tuning by changing their chemical structure. They have been successfully used to make organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs, now widely found in mobile phone displays and televisions), solar cells, transistors and sensors. However, making electrically driven organic semiconductor lasers is very challenging. It is difficult because organic semiconductors typically support only low current densities, suffer substantial absorption from injected charges and triplets, and have additional losses due to contacts. In short, injecting charges into the gain medium leads to intolerable losses. Here we take an alternative approach in which charge injection and lasing are spatially separated, thereby greatly reducing losses. We achieve this by developing an integrated device structure that efficiently couples an OLED, with exceptionally high internal-light generation, with a polymer distributed feedback laser. Under the electrical driving of the integrated structure, we observe a threshold in light output versus drive current, with a narrow emission spectrum and the formation of a beam above the threshold. These observations confirm lasing. Our results provide an organic electronic device that has not been previously demonstrated, and show that indirect electrical pumping by an OLED is a very effective way of realizing an electrically driven organic semiconductor laser. This provides an approach to visible lasers that could see applications in spectroscopy, metrology and sensing.


Light-enabled deracemization of cyclopropanes by Al-salen photocatalysis


▲ 作者:Carina Onneken, Tobias Morack, Julia Soika, Olga Sokolova, Niklas Niemeyer, Christian Mück-Lichtenfeld, et al.

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▲ 摘要:



研究组表明,手性Al-salen配合物具有明确的光物理性质,可用于环丙基酮的有效光明升手机去消旋化(对映体比率(e.r.)高达98:2)。λ= 400 nm(紫外光)的辐射增强了商业催化剂的反应性,使反应性和对映选择性能够同时调节,而无需定制催化剂-底物识别基序。


▲ Abstract:

Privileged chiral catalysts—those that share common structural features and are enantioselective across a range of reactions—continue to transform the chemical-research landscape. In recent years, new reactivity modes have been achieved through excited-state catalysis, processes activated by light, but it is unclear if the selectivity of ground-state privileged catalysts can be matched. Although the interception of photogenerated intermediates by ground-state cycles has partially addressed this challenge, single, chiral photocatalysts that simultaneously regulate reactivity and selectivity are conspicuously scarce. So far, precision donor–acceptor recognition motifs remain crucial in enantioselective photocatalyst design. Here we show that chiral Al-salen complexes, which have well-defined photophysical properties, can be used for the efficient photochemical deracemization of cyclopropyl ketones (up to 98:2 enantiomeric ratio (e.r.)). Irradiation at λ = 400 nm (violet light) augments the reactivity of the commercial catalyst to enable reactivity and enantioselectivity to be regulated simultaneously. This circumvents the need for tailored catalyst–substrate recognition motifs. It is predicted that this study will stimulate a re-evaluation of many venerable (ground-state) chiral catalysts in excited-state processes, ultimately leading to the identification of candidates that may be considered ‘privileged’ in both reactivity models.

地球appEarth Science

Climate warming increases extreme daily wildfire growth risk in California


▲ 作者:Patrick T. Brown, Holt Hanley, Ankur Mahesh, Colorado Reed, Scott J. Strenfel, Steven J. Davis, et al.

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▲ 摘要:



研究组发现,人为变暖对极端每日野火增长风险的影响在一场接一场火灾和日复一日的基础上存在明显差异,这取决于气候变暖是否推动条件超过某些干旱阈值,例如1.5 kPa的蒸汽压差和10%的乏燃料水分。



▲ Abstract:

California has experienced enhanced extreme wildfire behaviour in recent years, leading to substantial loss of life and property. Some portion of the change in wildfire behaviour is attributable to anthropogenic climate warming, but formally quantifying this contribution is difficult because of numerous confounding factors and because wildfires are below the grid scale of global climate models. Here we use machine learning to quantify empirical relationships between temperature (as well as the influence of temperature on aridity) and the risk of extreme daily wildfire growth (>10,000 acres) in California and find that the influence of temperature on the risk is primarily mediated through its influence on fuel moisture. We use the uncovered relationships to estimate the changes in extreme daily wildfire growth risk under anthropogenic warming by subjecting historical fires from 2003 to 2020 to differing background climatological temperatures and aridity conditions. We find that the influence of anthropogenic warming on the risk of extreme daily wildfire growth varies appreciably on a fire-by-fire and day-by-day basis, depending on whether or not climate warming pushes conditions over certain thresholds of aridity, such as 1.5 kPa of vapour-pressure deficit and 10% dead fuel moisture. So far, anthropogenic warming has enhanced the aggregate expected frequency of extreme daily wildfire growth by 25% (5–95 range of 14–36%), on average, relative to preindustrial conditions. But for some fires, there was approximately no change, and for other fires, the enhancement has been as much as 461%. When historical fires are subjected to a range of projected end-of-century conditions, the aggregate expected frequency of extreme daily wildfire growth events increases by 59% (5–95 range of 47–71%) under a low SSP1–2.6 emissions scenario compared with an increase of 172% (5–95 range of 156–188%) under a very high SSP5–8.5 emissions scenario, relative to preindustrial conditions.

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