
来源:明升手机版(明升中国) 发布时间:2023/9/8 15:18:07
维兹曼app研究所 Ayelet Vilan 博士讲述静电角度的分子电子学







北京时间2023年9月8日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第160期邀请到维兹曼app研究所的 Ayelet Vilan 博士进行分享!更多精彩,敬请期待!


Ayelet Vilan

Weizmann Institute of Science

Molecular Electronics: An Electrostatic Perspective


Our digital era is dominated by information coded using (mostly) current of electrons through inorganic, crystalline materials. Biology on the other hand, encodes information via electrostatic potential across molecular membranes. The magnitude of molecular electrostatic potential is unprecedented in standard inorganic electronic materials. For example, aligning a moderate molecular dipole in an array, as in self-assembled monolayer, is equivalent to a giant electric field (∼1 GV/m) that will lead of dielectric break down of most inorganic (oxides) insulators. Research on molecular electronics mainly follows the first approach, exploring the sensitivity of current to the quantized nature of molecules. I would like to suggest a complementary perspective, which is focused on elucidating and manipulating the potential profile along the current path. My talk will overview various electrostatic aspects of molecular monolayers, from modifiers of potential barrier between bulk materials, via charge-balance at organic / inorganic interface and up to deducing potential profiles from analysis of experimentally-measured current-voltage curves. These concepts could find relevance to diverse fields from renewable energy materials to bio-sensors.

我们的数字时代基本上是通过无机晶体材料中的电子流编码信息来实现的。另一方面,生物学通过分子膜上的静电势来编码信息。分子静电势的大小在标准无机电子材料中是前所未有的。例如,将中等分子偶极排列成阵列(如自组装单层)就相当于一个巨大的电场(∼1 GV/m),这将导致大多数无机(氧化物)绝缘体的介电分解。分子电子学研究主要采用第一种方法,探索电流对分子量子化性质的敏感性。我想提出一个互补的视角,即侧重于阐明和操纵电流路径上的电位曲线。我的演讲将从静电的角度来概述单分子层,从块状材料之间的电位势垒调节器,到有机/无机界面的电荷平衡,直至通过分析实验测量的电流-电压曲线推导出电位曲线。这些概念可应用于从可再生能源材料到生物传感器等多个领域。


Dr. Ayelet Vilan studies molecular electronics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel. Her Ph.D. thesis (Materials and Interfaces department at the Weizmann Institute of Science, 2002) explores dipolar monolayers at the Au/GaAs surface. After a post-doctoral study at Philips Research (Eindhoven), she returned to the Weizmann institute in 2005. She worked as a visiting scientist in Texas A&M (2013-4). Her research interests encompass self-assembled monolayers, construction of molecular junctions and chemical and physical surface characterization. She focuses on the development of empirical tools for the interpretation and the quantification of charge transport across molecular junctions, in either single molecule or monolayer configurations.

Ayelet Vilan 博士在以色列魏兹曼app研究院研究分子电子学。她的博士论文(2002 年,魏兹曼app研究院材料与界面系)探讨了 Au/GaAs 表面的双极单层。在飞利浦公司(埃因霍温)进行博士后研究后,于 2005 年回到魏兹曼研究所。她曾在德克萨斯农工大学担任访问app家,研究兴趣包括自组装单层、分子连接的构建以及明升手机和物理表面表征。她的研究重点是开发经验工具,用于解释和量化单分子或单层构型分子结上的电荷传输。

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