
作者:未玖 来源:明升手机版(明升中国)微信公众号 发布时间:2023/8/6 20:51:19


编译 | 未玖

Science, 4 AUG 2023, VOL 381, ISSUE 6657



材料appMaterials Science

Intrinsically elastic polymer ferroelectric by precise slight cross-linking


▲ 作者:Liang Gao, Ben-Lin Hu, Linping Wang, Jinwei Cao, Ri He, Fengyuan Zhang, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Ferroelectrics are an integral component of the modern world and are of importance in electrics, electronics, and biomedicine. However, their usage in emerging wearable electronics is limited by inelastic deformation. We developed intrinsically elastic ferroelectrics by combining ferroelectric response and elastic resilience into one material by slight cross-linking of plastic ferroelectric polymers. The precise slight cross-linking can realize the complex balance between crystallinity and resilience. Thus, we obtained an elastic ferroelectric with a stable ferroelectric response under mechanical deformation up to 70% strain. This elastic ferroelectric exerts potentials in applications related to wearable electronics, such as elastic ferroelectric sensors, information storage, and energy transduction.

A stable rhombohedral phase in ferroelectric Hf(Zr)1+xO2capacitor with ultralow coercive field


▲ 作者:Yuan Wang, Lei Tao, Roger Guzman, Qing Luo, Wu Zhou, Yang Yang, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Hafnium oxide–based ferroelectric materials are promising candidates for next-generation nanoscale devices because of their ability to integrate into silicon electronics. However, the intrinsic high coercive field of the fluorite-structure oxide ferroelectric devices leads to incompatible operating voltage and limited endurance performance. We discovered a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)–compatible rhombohedral ferroelectric Hf(Zr)1+xO2material rich in hafnium-zirconium [Hf(Zr)]. X-ray diffraction combined with scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals that the excess Hf(Zr) atoms intercalate within the hollow sites. We found that the intercalated atoms expand the lattice and increase the in-plane and out-of-plane stresses, which stabilize both the rhombohedral phase (r-phase) and its ferroelectric properties. Our ferroelectric devices, which are based on the r-phase Hf(Zr)1+xO2, exhibit an ultralow coercive field (~0.65 megavolts per centimeter). Moreover, we achieved a high endurance of more than 1012cycles at saturation polarization. This material discovery may help to realize low-cost and long-life memory chips.


Mechanistic snapshots of rhodium-catalyzed acylnitrene transfer reactions


▲ 作者:Hoimin Jung, Jeonguk Kweon, Jong-Min Suh, Mi Hee Lim, Dongwook Kim & Sukbok Chang

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▲ Abstract:

Rhodium (Rh) acylnitrene complexes are widely implicated in catalytic C–H amidation reactions but have eluded isolation and structural characterization. To overcome this challenge, we designed a chromophoric octahedral Rh complex with a bidentate dioxazolone ligand, in which photoinduced metal-to-ligand charge transfer initiates catalytic C–H amidation. X-ray photocrystallographic analysis of the Rh-dioxazolone complex allowed structural elucidation of the targeted Rh-acylnitrenoid and provided firm evidence that the singlet nitrenoid species is primarily responsible for acylamino transfer reactions. We also monitored in crystallo reaction of a nucleophile with the in situ–generated Rh-acylnitrenoid, which provided a crystallographically traceable reaction system to capture mechanistic snapshots of nitrenoid transfer.

Photosensitized O2 enables intermolecular alkene cyclopropanation by active methylene compounds


▲ 作者:Dhruba P. Poudel, Amrit Pokhrel, Raj Kumar Tak, Majji Shankar & Ramesh Giri

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▲ Abstract:

Cyclopropanes are key features in many preclinical, clinical, and commercial drugs, as well as natural products. The most prolific technique for their synthesis is the metal-catalyzed reaction of an alkene with a diazoalkane, a highly energetic reagent requiring stringent safety precautions. Discovery of alternative innocuous reagents remains an ongoing challenge. Herein, we report a simple photoredox-catalyzed intermolecular cyclopropanation of unactivated alkenes with active methylene compounds. The reaction proceeds in neutral solvent under air or dioxygen (O2) with a photoredox catalyst excited by blue light-emitting diode light and an iodine co-catalyst that is either added as molecular iodine or generated in situ from alkyl iodides. Mechanistic investigations indicate that photosensitized O2plays a vital role in the generation of carbon-centered radicals for both the addition of active methylene compounds to alkenes and the ring closure.

地球appEarth Science

Tremor signals during fluid injection are generated by fault slip


▲ 作者:Shankho Niyogi, Abhijit Ghosh, Abhash Kumar & Richard W. Hammack

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▲ Abstract:

Seismic tremor signals, also known as long-period, long-duration signals, have been reported in several locations where fluid injection for enhanced oil and gas exploration is taking place. However, the origin of these signals remains poorly constrained. We studied seismic tremor signals in Wellington Field, Kansas, using a seismic array during a carbon dioxide injection program. We show that these signals are generated below the surface during the time of carbon dioxide injection. They have a distinct spectral signature, similar to those observed in glacial and volcanic environments. The tremor sources are located near the injection site and aligned with preexisting faults. Modeling results imply that such tremors are generated by frictional slip on fault. These observations may reveal an important deformation mode, which is useful for studying associated stress, seismicity, and triggering, as well as for tracking fault activities during injection operations of all fluids, including supercritical carbon dioxide.

空间组学Spatial Omics

The dawn of spatial omics


▲ 作者:Dario Bressan, Giorgia Battistoni & Gregory J. Hannon

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Spatial omics has been widely heralded as the new frontier in life sciences. This term encompasses a wide range of techniques that promise to transform many areas of biology and eventually revolutionize pathology by measuring physical tissue structure and molecular characteristics at the same time. Although the field came of age in the past 5 years, it still suffers from some growing pains: barriers to entry, robustness, unclear best practices for experimental design and analysis, and lack of standardization. In this Review, we present a systematic catalog of the different families of spatial omics technologies; highlight their principles, power, and limitations; and give some perspective and suggestions on the biggest challenges that lay ahead in this incredibly powerful—but still hard to navigate—landscape.

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