
作者:冯维维 来源:明升手机版(明升中国)微信公众号 发布时间:2023/11/18 20:14:30


编译 | 冯维维

Nature,  16 November 2023, Volume 623 Issue 7987

《自然》, 2023年11月16日,第623卷,7987期




A Milky Way-like barred spiral galaxy at a redshift of 3


▲ 作者:Luca Costantin, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Yuchen Guo, Chiara Buttitta, Shardha Jogee, Micaela B. Bagley, Guillermo Barro, Mauro Giavalisco, L. Y. Aaron Yung, etc. 

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此外,模拟预测,在类银河系星系的祖先星系中,超过z = 1.5的条形几乎不存在。研究者手机版了对ceers-2112的观测,这是一个红移z≈3的棒旋星系,在宇宙只有20亿年的时候就已经成熟了。

恒星质量和棒状形态意味着,就宇宙前20亿年的结构和质量历史而言,ceers-2112可以被认为是银河系的祖先,而在宇宙40亿年时两者质量最接近。研究者推断,该星系中的重子可能已经在z≈3时主导了暗物质,高红移条可能在大约4亿年时形成,动态冷星盘可能在红移z = 4~5时形成。

▲ Abstract:

The majority of massive disk galaxies in the local Universe show a stellar barred structure in their central regions, including our Milky Wa. Bars are supposed to develop in dynamically cold stellar disks at low redshift, as the strong gas turbulence typical of disk galaxies at high redshift suppresses or delays bar formation. Moreover, simulations predict bars to be almost absent beyond z = 1.5 in the progenitors of Milky Way-like galaxies. Here we report observations of ceers-2112, a barred spiral galaxy at redshift zphot ≈ 3, which was already mature when the Universe was only 2 Gyr old. The stellar mass and barred morphology mean that ceers-2112 can be considered a progenitor of the Milky Way, in terms of both structure and mass-assembly history in the first 2 Gyr of the Universe, and was the closest in mass in the first 4 Gyr. We infer that baryons in galaxies could have already dominated over dark matter at z ≈ 3, that high-redshift bars could form in approximately 400 Myr and that dynamically cold stellar disks could have been in place by redshift z = 4–5 (more than 12 Gyrs ago).

Quantum gas mixtures and dual-species atom interferometry in space


▲ 作者:Ethan R. Elliott, David C. Aveline, Nicholas P. Bigelow, Patrick Boegel, Sofia Botsi, Eric Charron, José P. D’Incao, Jason R. Williams, etc.

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▲ Abstract:

The capability to reach ultracold atomic temperatures in compact instruments has recently been extended into space. Ultracold temperatures amplify quantum effects, whereas free fall allows further cooling and longer interactions time with gravity—the final force without a quantum description. On Earth, these devices have produced macroscopic quantum phenomena such as Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs), superfluidity, and strongly interacting quantum gases3. Terrestrial quantum sensors interfering the superposition of two ultracold atomic isotopes have tested the universality of free fall (UFF), a core tenet of Einstein’s classical gravitational theory, at the 10-12 level4. In space, cooling the elements needed to explore the rich physics of strong interactions or perform quantum tests of the UFF has remained elusive. Here, using upgraded hardware of the multiuser Cold Atom Lab (CAL) instrument aboard the International Space Station (ISS), we report, to our knowledge, the first simultaneous production of a dual-species BEC in space (formed from 87Rb and 41K), observation of interspecies interactions, as well as the production of 39K ultracold gases. Operating a single laser at a ‘magic wavelength’ at which Rabi rates of simultaneously applied Bragg pulses are equal, we have further achieved the first spaceborne demonstration of simultaneous atom interferometry with two atomic species (87Rb and 41K). These results are an important step towards quantum tests of UFF in space and will allow scientists to investigate aspects of few-body physics, quantum chemistry and fundamental physics in new regimes without the perturbing asymmetry of gravity.

Kinetic magnetism in triangular moiré materials


▲ 作者:L. Ciorciaro, T. Smoleński, I. Morera, N. Kiper, S. Hiestand, M. Kroner, Y. Zhang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, E. Demler & A. imamo?lu 

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▲ Abstract:

Magnetic properties of materials ranging from conventional ferromagnetic metals to strongly correlated materials such as cuprates originate from Coulomb exchange interactions. The existence of alternate mechanisms for magnetism that could naturally facilitate electrical control has been discussed theoretically, but an experimental demonstration8 in an extended system has been missing. Here we investigate MoSe2/WS2 van der Waals heterostructures in the vicinity of Mott insulator states of electrons forming a frustrated triangular lattice and observe direct evidence of magnetic correlations originating from a kinetic mechanism. By directly measuring electronic magnetization through the strength of the polarization-selective attractive polaron resonance, we find that when the Mott state is electron-doped, the system exhibits ferromagnetic correlations in agreement with the Nagaoka mechanism.

Dynamic diagnosis of metamaterials through laser-induced vibrational signatures


▲ 作者:Yun Kai, Somayajulu Dhulipala, Rachel Sun, Jet Lem, Washington DeLima, Thomas Pezeril & Carlos M. Portela 

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使用微观超材料的棒状镶嵌,研究者手机版了高达94%的方向相关和速率相关的动态刚度,应变率接近102 s−1,以及比其组成材料高三倍的阻尼性能。


▲ Abstract:

Mechanical metamaterials at the microscale exhibit exotic static properties owing to their engineered building blocks, but their dynamic properties have remained substantially less explored. Their design principles can target frequency-dependent properties and resilience under high-strain-rate deformation8 making them versatile materials for applications in lightweight impact resistance, acoustic waveguiding or vibration damping. However, accessing dynamic properties at small scales has remained a challenge owing to low-throughput and destructive characterization or lack of existing testing protocols. Here we demonstrate a high-throughput, non-contact framework that uses MHz-wave-propagation signatures within a metamaterial to non-destructively extract dynamic linear properties, omnidirectional elastic information, damping properties and defect quantification. Using rod-like tessellations of microscopic metamaterials, we report up to 94% direction-dependent and rate-dependent dynamic stiffening at strain rates approaching 102 s−1, as well as damping properties three times higher than their constituent materials. We also show that frequency shifts in the vibrational response allow for characterization of invisible defects within the metamaterials and that selective probing allows for the construction of experimental elastic surfaces, which were previously only possible computationally. Our work provides a route for accelerated data-driven discovery of materials and microdevices for dynamic applications such as protective structures, medical ultrasound or vibration isolation.


Anion–π interactions suppress phase impurities in FAPbI3 solar cells


▲ 作者:Zijian Huang, Yang Bai, Xudan Huang, Jiatong Li, Yuetong Wu, Yihua Chen, Kailin Li, Xiuxiu Niu, Nengxu Li, Guilin Liu, Yu Zhang, Huachao Zai, Qi Chen, Ting Lei, Lifen Wang & Huanping Zhou 

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因此,研究实现了PSCs的功率转换效率(PCE)在0.08 cm2器件中高达26.07%(认证为25.8%),在1 cm2器件中高达24.63%。在50±5°C的全光谱AM 1.5 G阳光下,在最大功率点(MPP)跟踪1258小时后,该器件还保持了94%的初始PCE。该方法通过探索阴离子—π相互作用,扩大了钙钛矿前驱体中发生的明升手机相互作用的范围,并突出了AX组分作为一种新的有效工作场所的重要性,以改进具有高质量和相纯度的光伏器件。

▲ Abstract:

Achieving both high efficiency and long-term stability is the key to the commercialization of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). However, the diversity of perovskite (ABX3) compositions and phases makes it challenging to fabricate high-quality films. Perovskite formation relies on the reaction between AX and BX2, whereas most conventional methods for film-growth regulation are based solely on the interaction with the BX2 component. Herein, we demonstrate an alternative approach to modulate reaction kinetics by anion–π interaction between AX and hexafluorobenzene (HFB). Notably, these two approaches are independent but work together to establish ‘dual-site regulation’, which achieves a delicate control over the reaction between AX and BX2 without unwanted intermediates. The resultant formamidinium lead halides (FAPbI3) films exhibit fewer defects, redshifted absorption and high phase purity without detectable nanoscale δ phase. Consequently, we achieved PSCs with power conversion efficiency (PCE) up to 26.07% for a 0.08-cm2 device (25.8% certified) and 24.63% for a 1-cm2 device. The device also kept 94% of its initial PCE after maximum power point (MPP) tracking for 1,258 h under full-spectrum AM1.5G sunlight at 50 ± 5°C. This method expands the range of chemical interactions that occur in perovskite precursors by exploring anion–π interactions and highlights the importance of the AX component as a new and effective working site to improved photovoltaic devices with high quality and phase purity.

Arenium-ion-catalysed halodealkylation of fully alkylated silanes


▲ 作者:Tao He, Hendrik F. T. Klare & Martin Oestreich 

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“有机硅”不存在于自然界,但现代明升手机很难想象没有硅与碳结合的情况。虽然含有硅的商品明升手机品,如那些从“直接工艺”中出现的明升手机品看起来很简单,但选择性地制备芳基取代和烷基取代(功能化)硅化合物(称为硅烷)并非易事。氯硅烷如Me4−nSiCln (n=1-3)和SiCl4(n=4)是合成含硅分子的常见起点。




▲ Abstract:

‘Organic silicon’ is not found in nature but modern chemistry is hard to imagine without silicon bound to carbon. Although silicon-containing commodity chemicals such as those emerging from the ‘direct process’look simple, it is not trivial to selectively prepare aryl-substituted and alkyl-substituted (functionalized) silicon compounds, known as silanes. Chlorosilanes such as Me4−nSiCln (n= 1–3) as well as SiCl4 (n=4) are common starting points for the synthesis of silicon-containing molecules. Yet these methods often suffer from challenging separation problems. Conversely, silanes with four alkyl groups are considered synthetic dead ends. Here we introduce an arenium-ion-catalysed halodealkylation that effectively converts Me4Si and related quaternary silanes into a diverse range of functionalized derivatives. The reaction uses an alkyl halide and an arene (co)solvent: the alkyl halide is the halide source that eventually engages in a Friedel–Crafts alkylation with the arene to regenerate the catalyst, whereas the arenium ion acts as a strong Br nsted acid for the protodealkylation step. The advantage of the top-down halodealkylation methodology over reported bottom-up procedures is demonstrated, for example, in the synthesis of a silicon drug precursor. Moreover, chemoselective chlorodemethylation of the rather inert Me3Si group attached to an alkyl chain followed by oxidative degradation is shown to be an entry into Tamao–Fleming-type alcohol formation.

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