
作者:未玖 来源:明升手机版(明升中国)微信公众号 发布时间:2023/10/28 20:32:59


编译 | 未玖

Science, 27 OCT 2023, VOL 382, ISSUE 6669




Observation and control of hybrid spin-wave–Meissner-current transport modes


▲ 作者:M. Borst, P. H. Vree, A. Lowther, A. Teepe, S. Kurdi, I. Bertelli, et al.

▲ 链接:http://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adj7576

▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Superconductors are materials with zero electrical resistivity and the ability to expel magnetic fields, which is known as the Meissner effect. Their dissipationless diamagnetic response is central to magnetic levitation and circuits such as quantum interference devices. In this work, we used superconducting diamagnetism to shape the magnetic environment governing the transport of spin waves—collective spin excitations in magnets that are promising on-chip signal carriers—in a thin-film magnet. Using diamond-based magnetic imaging, we observed hybridized spin-wave–Meissner-current transport modes with strongly altered, temperature-tunable wavelengths and then demonstrated local control of spin-wave refraction using a focused laser. Our results demonstrate the versatility of superconductor-manipulated spin-wave transport and have potential applications in spin-wave gratings, filters, crystals, and cavities.

Quantum walk comb in a fast gain laser


▲ 作者:Ina Heckelmann, Mathieu Bertrand, Alexander Dikopoltsev, Mattias Beck, Giacomo Scalari & Jérôme Faist

▲ 链接:http://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adj3858

▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Synthetic lattices in photonics enable the exploration of light states in new dimensions, transcending phenomena common only to physical space. We propose and demonstrate a quantum walk comb in synthetic frequency space formed by externally modulating a ring-shaped semiconductor laser with ultrafast recovery times. The initially ballistic quantum walk does not dissipate into low supermode states of the synthetic lattice; instead, the state stabilizes in a broad frequency comb, unlocking the full potential of the synthetic frequency lattice. Our device produces a low-noise, nearly flat broadband comb (reaching 100 per centimeter bandwidth) and offers a promising platform to generate broadband, tunable, and stable frequency combs.

Giant lattice softening at a Lifshitz transition in Sr2RuO4


▲ 作者:H. M. L. Noad, K. Ishida, Y.-S. Li, E. Gati, V. Stangier, N. Kikugawa, et al.

▲ 链接:http://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adf3348

▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract:

The interplay of electronic and structural degrees of freedom in solids is a topic of intense research. More than 60 years ago, Lifshitz discussed a counterintuitive possibility: lattice softening driven by conduction electrons at topological Fermi surface transitions. The effect that he predicted, however, was small and has not been convincingly observed. Using a piezo-based uniaxial pressure cell to tune the ultraclean metal strontium ruthenate while measuring the stress-strain relationship, we reveal a huge softening of the Young’s modulus at a Lifshitz transition of a two-dimensional Fermi surface and show that it is indeed driven entirely by the conduction electrons of the relevant energy band.

Universal scaling of the dynamic BKT transition in quenched 2D Bose gases


▲ 作者:Shinichi Sunami, Vijay Pal Singh, David Garrick, Abel Beregi, Adam J. Barker, Kathrin Luksch, et al.

▲ 链接:http://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abq6753

▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

The understanding of nonequilibrium dynamics in many-body quantum systems is a fundamental issue in statistical physics. Experiments that probe universal properties of these systems can address such foundational questions. In this study, we report the measurement of universal dynamics triggered by a quench from the superfluid to normal phase across the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a two-dimensional (2D) Bose gas. We reduced the density by splitting the 2D gas in two, realizing a quench across the critical point. The subsequent relaxation dynamics were probed with matter-wave interferometry to measure the local phase fluctuations. We show that the time evolution of both the phase correlation function and vortex density obeys universal scaling laws. This conclusion is supported by classical-field simulations and interpreted by means of real-time renormalization group theory.

材料appMaterials Science

Room-temperature wavelike exciton transport in a van der Waals superatomic semiconductor


▲ 作者:Jakhangirkhodja A. Tulyagankhodjaev, Petra Shih, Jessica Yu, Jake C. Russell, Daniel G. Chica, Michelle E. Reynoso, et al.

▲ 链接:http://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adf2698

▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

The transport of energy and information in semiconductors is limited by scattering between electronic carriers and lattice phonons, resulting in diffusive and lossy transport that curtails all semiconductor technologies. Using Re6Se8Cl2, a van der Waals (vdW) superatomic semiconductor, we demonstrate the formation of acoustic exciton-polarons, an electronic quasiparticle shielded from phonon scattering. We directly imaged polaron transport in Re6Se8Cl2 at room temperature, revealing quasi-ballistic, wavelike propagation sustained for a nanosecond and several micrometers. Shielded polaron transport leads to electronic energy propagation lengths orders of magnitude greater than in other vdW semiconductors, exceeding even silicon over a nanosecond. We propose that, counterintuitively, quasi-flat electronic bands and strong exciton–acoustic phonon coupling are together responsible for the transport properties of Re6Se8Cl2, establishing a path to ballistic room-temperature semiconductors.


Multiplicative enhancement of stereoenrichment by a single catalyst for deracemization of alcohols


▲ 作者:Lu Wen, Jia Ding, Lingfei Duan, Shun Wang, Qing An, Hexiang Wang, et al.

▲ 链接:http://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adj0040

▲ 摘要:





▲ Abstract:

Stereochemical enrichment of a racemic mixture by deracemization must overcome unfavorable entropic effects as well as the principle of microscopic reversibility; recently, photochemical reaction pathways unveiled by the energetic input of light have led to innovations toward this end, most often by ablation of a stereogenic C(sp3)–H bond. We report a photochemically driven deracemization protocol in which a single chiral catalyst effects two mechanistically different steps, C–C bond cleavage and C–C bond formation, to achieve multiplicative enhancement of stereoinduction, which leads to high levels of stereoselectivity. Ligand-to-metal charge transfer excitation of a titanium catalyst coordinated by a chiral phosphoric acid or bisoxazoline efficiently enriches racemic alcohols that feature adjacent and fully substituted stereogenic centers to enantiomeric ratios up to 99:1. Mechanistic investigations support a pathway of sequential radical-mediated bond scission and bond formation through a common prochiral intermediate and reveal that, although the overall stereoenrichment is high, the selectivity in each individual step is moderate.

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