
来源: 发布时间:2021/8/13 8:28:14
今晚8点明升app官网直播|西北大学Teri W. Odom教授分享等离子纳米粒子晶格的膨胀宇宙!

明升app官网直播时间:8月13日(周五)20:00 - 21:30




2021年8月13日晚 8:00(北京时间),大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks第64期即将重磅来袭,本期明升app官网直播我们有幸邀请到西北大学的Teri W. Odom教授来到iCANX Talks讲座系列。

The highly expected iCANX Talks Vol.64 will be ceremoniously holed at 8:00 pm of August 13 (Beijing time). This time, we are fortunate to invite5 Professor Teri W. Odom from Northwestern University to the iCANX Talks lecture series.

在前面63期iCANX Talks明升app官网直播中,累计收看观众已经达到千万人次,受到了国内外专家学者的普遍好评和追捧,目前,iCANX Talks已经成为极具国际影响力的高科技云端学术峰会。

In the previous 63 weeks iCANX talks , it totally attracted close to 10 million audiences worldwide. iCANX has been highlighted by experts and audiences globally. Now, iCANX Talks already becomes a well-known and popular international high-tech online event.


Here comes the abstracts & Bios of today’s iCANX Talks!


The Expanding Universe of Plasmonic Nanoparticle Lattices


Teri W. Odom

Northwestern University



The miniaturization of bulk optical components such as lasers and lenses has revolutionized modern optoelectronic devices, from cameras in smart phones to high-resolution displays to wearable optics. Driving advances have relied not only on a reduction in footprint but also on a completely new design of the optical components based on discrete, nanoscale building blocks. This talk will describe how lattices of metal nanoparticles—a type of metasurface—can function as a simple yet powerful platform for nanoscale optics in flatland. We will discuss breakthroughs in the design and fabrication of plasmonic nanoparticle lattices that have enabled an expanding universe of applications, from nanoscale lasing to imaging to photo-electrocatalysis.



Teri W. Odom is Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry and Chair of the Chemistry Department at Northwestern University. She is an expert in designing structured nanoscale materials that exhibit extraordinary size and shape-dependent optical and physical properties. Odom has pioneered a suite of multi-scale nanofabrication tools that have resulted in plasmon-based nanoscale lasers that exhibit tunable color, flat optics that can manipulate light at the nanoscale, and hierarchical substrates that show controlled wetting and super-hydrophobicity. She has also invented a class of biological nanoconstructs that are facilitating unique insight into nanoparticle-cell interactions and that show superior imaging and therapeutic properties because of their gold nanostar shape.

Odom is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) and a Fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the American Chemical Society (ACS), the American Physical Society (APS), and the Optical Society of America (OSA). Select honors and awards include: the RSC Centenary Prize; the ACS National Award in Surface Science; a Research Corporation TREE Award; a U.S. Department of Defense Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship; a Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Fellowship at Harvard University; an NIH Directors Pioneer Award; the MRS Outstanding Young Investigator Award; the National Fresenius Award from Phi Lambda Upsilon and the ACS; an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship; and a David and Lucile Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering.

Odom was founding Chair of the Noble Metal Nanoparticles Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and founding Vice-Chair of the GRC on Lasers in Micro, Nano, Bio Systems. She was an inaugural Associate Editor for Chemical Science and founding Executive Editor of ACS Photonics. Her Personal Story of Discovery was featured by ACS Publications. Odom is Editor-in-Chief of Nano Letters.

Teri W. Odom教授是美国西北大学明升手机院院长。Teri W. Odom教授是设计具有卓越性能的结构化纳米材料专家,Odom 教授开创了一套多尺度纳米制造工具,研发了基于等离子体的纳米激光器,使其具有颜色可调、在纳米尺度对光可操纵、基质分层等特性。Odom 教授还发明了一类能够促进对纳米颗粒-细胞相互作用研究的生物纳米结构体,并显示出卓越的成像与治疗特性。

Teri W. Odom教授是美国艺术与app院 (AAAS) 院士,材料研究学会 (MRS)会士、皇家明升手机学会 (RSC)会士、美国明升手机学会 (ACS)会士、美国物理学会 (APS) 会士 和美国光学学会 (OSA)会士。所获荣誉包括:RSC百年奖,ACS 国家表面app奖,app进步研究公司TREE奖,美国国防部 Vannevar Bush 学院奖,哈佛大学拉德克利夫高级研究奖,NIH 院长先锋奖,MRS杰出青年研究员奖,Phi Lambda Upsilon 和 ACS 国家费森尤斯奖,斯隆研究奖和大卫和露西尔帕卡德app与工程奖。

Odom 教授是贵金属纳米粒子戈登研究会议 (GRC) 的创始主席和微型、纳米、生物系统激光 GRC 的创始副主席。Odom教授是Chemical Science 的首任副主编和ACS Photonics 的创始执行主编。她的个人学术故事被 ACS Publications 收录。Odom 同时也是 Nano Letters 的主编。



Nanoparticle 纳米粒子

Lattices 晶格

Photo-electrocatalysis 光电催化

同时,本次讲座也邀请了来自澳大利亚国立大学的Chennupati Jagadish教授带来精彩的主持。来自北京大学的张海霞教授和来自爱荷华州立大学的Martin Thuo教授担任嘉宾, 以及来自上海交通大学的李亚辉作为青年挑战者。精彩不断,敬请期待!iCANX将继续努力,为app交流服务,提供一个全球学术交流的顶级平台,敬请大家期待!

At the same time, this lecture also invited Professor Chennupati Jagadish from Australian National University to bring a wonderful host. Professor Haixia Zhang from Peking University and Professor Martin Thuo from Iowa State University as guests. Yahui Li from Shanghai Jiao Tong University as the X challenger. iCANX will continue to work hard to serve scientific exchanges and provide a top platform for global academic exchanges. Please look forward to it!

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